Gay activists target Chick-Fil-A

To the proponents of the radical homosexual agenda tolerance only goes one way. We must tolerate them, or else. As for their tolerance toward others, not so much.

The latest target of their ire is Chick-Fil-A. The restaurant chain is under fire because, horror of horrors, a single local franchisee promised to donate some sandwiches to an upcoming marriage conference. Can you guess why? Yup, it’s a Christian marriage conference.

The gay rights crowd can’t possible accept someone being generous toward those who actually believe marriage is between one man and one woman. Such an idea is positively out of the mainstream, for them anyway. For most of us it’s just The Way Things Ought To Be.

Can I call them “haters”? ‘Cause there’s a whole lotta hate being launched at the entire Chick-Fil-A chain. Wait a sec. Didn’t Dear Leader call for a cease-fire in the hater wars?

Clearly these guys didn’t get the memo. Maybe they thought it was only addressed to Sarah Palin.

It’s actually much ado about nothing. One restaurant is giving away some sandwiches. That’s certainly the owner’s right, isn’t it? To contribute to his community? Or should he have to activate his gaydar before trying to be a nice guy? The CEO of Chick-Fil-A released a statement reiterating their commitment to non-discriminatory policies. They don’t ask and don’t care if you tell.

Which of course is as it should be.

Cross-posted from  Follow me on Twitter @WyBlog.

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