Bazsó-Dombi Attila


New York THE ENCYCLOPEDIA PRESS, INC. Nihil Obstat, November 1, 1907 REMY LAFORT, S.T.D., CENSOR Imprimatur JOHN CARDINAL FARLEY ARCHBISHOP OF NEW YORK Copyright, 1907 By Robert Appleton Company More
New York
Nihil Obstat, November 1, 1907
ARCHBISHOP OF NEW YORK Copyright, 1907 By Robert Appleton Company Copyright, 1913 By THE ENCYCLOPEDIA PRESS, INC. The articles in this work have been written specially for The Catholic Encyclopedia and are protected by copyright. Contents Encyclopedia Preface To The Knights Of Columbus Table Of Abbreviations Volume 1: Aachen-Assize Volume 2: Assizes-Browne Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss Volume 13: Revelation-Stock Volume 14: Simony-Tournely Volume 15: Tournon-Zwirner Volume 16: Supplement THE 1913 CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA
Fred Alan Medforth

Pope Francis to meet with pro-abortion comedians Stephen Colbert, Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon

Pope Francis will meet with prominent comedians, including pro-abortion Stephen Colbert, Whoopi Goldberg,…

Full text of "The Apocalypse Of St. John , Rev Berry 1921

Massaker von Nuseirat: Abgeschlachtete Palästinenser existieren für die kolonialen rassistischen …

Biden and Netanyahu are hurtling towards the abyss, and the effects of prolonging this genocide will …
Live Mike
Dear Tony La Rosa, May God continue to bless the work of your hands and Our Lady protect you always!

Mr. Chris Ferrara Speaks Nonsense in His Recent Talk on Jorge Bergoglio

In the video below, Mr. Chris Ferrara states that Jorge Bergoglio “… a declared enemy of Roman Catholicism”, and that he is …
It may separate him from the church but it does not separate him from his office. Peter was still pope even after publicly denying Christ.
All Saints
I guess it is a “given”. 🤷🏻 CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: AntipopeMore
I guess it is a “given”. 🤷🏻
5 more comments

World Economic Forum says, ‘Let them eat fake meat!’

By Eric Utter The globalist elites at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are calling on governments to promote fake meat and other alternative proteins …
Billy F

The False Jesus

The False ‘Jesus’ the World Loves… Here are some of his attributes: He will allow everyone into Heaven. He came to bring peace, not division. He doesn’t require obedience. He doesn’t require repentance. …More
The False ‘Jesus’ the World Loves…
Here are some of his attributes:
He will allow everyone into Heaven.
He came to bring peace, not division.
He doesn’t require obedience.
He doesn’t require repentance.
He doesn’t require holiness.
He doesn’t require acceptance. He is only the privileged way. He only preaches love. He never says anything offensive. He allows divorce and remarriage. He allows degenerate marriages. He blesses sin. He never tells anyone they’re wicked. He allows woman Priestesses. He allows woman Deaconesses. He calls everyone his children. He will not send anyone to hell. He wants you to do your own will. His commandments are only suggestions. If you are following this false ‘Jesus’, let me tell you his real name… Lucifer Galatians 1:8
This is an excellent graduation speech by Roger Federer. "So there, Dartmouth, are your tennis lessons for the day. Effortless is a myth. It’s only a point. Life is bigger than the court."More
This is an excellent graduation speech by Roger Federer.
"So there, Dartmouth, are your tennis lessons for the day.
Effortless is a myth.
It’s only a point.
Life is bigger than the court."

2024 Commencement Address by Roger Federer | Dartmouth

Thank you! Hello, Class of 2024! It’s an incredible feeling to be here with you. I am so excited to join you today. Really, you have no idea how …

Germany: Muslim party DAVA wins 41 per cent in Duisburg in the European Parliament elections

The fact that Germany no longer looks like Germany in certain areas is evident after the EU elections in voting …
Billy F
Pray for France - the eldest Daughter of the Church! Comments and insights please on what this means, dear Gloria TV friends! Let's discuss!

🔴 Live: French parties scramble to field candidates ahead of snap election

🔴 Live: French parties scramble to field candidates ahead of snap election French political parties raced Monday to field …
All Saints
Marine Le Pen said she welcomes the snap election. Macron, you are such a cowardly little weasle.
Billy F
Praying for France!
6 more comments
Mothers of Lu Origin.

And Now I Know Who “Lu” Is!

Thanks to a dear reader in Indiana, I received a link to a page explaining the origin of the “ Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story with me. I now happily share …


TCK PRESENTS: Marie Julie Jahenny and the 3 Days Of Darkness. This is an informative and inspirational movie documenting the life and revelations of one of the most important Catholic mystics in modern …More
TCK PRESENTS: Marie Julie Jahenny and the 3 Days Of Darkness.
This is an informative and inspirational movie documenting the life and revelations of one of the most important Catholic mystics in modern times who held the stigmata the longest in Church history. It recounts her endtime prophecies and revelations which include the arrival of the Great Monarch, the Vatican 2 apostasy and the much anticipated 3 days of darkness. If you are a Christian this is a MUST watch!
Watch Marie Julie Jahenny: 3 Days Of Darkness Online | Vimeo On Demande
Ralph Dietz
If you are looking for clarity... "Faith is dynamic, through God’s grace our minds and hearts are enlightened, strengthened, and empowered, to live an authentic Christian life".More
If you are looking for clarity...
"Faith is dynamic, through God’s grace our minds and hearts are enlightened, strengthened, and empowered, to live an authentic Christian life".

Rigidity, or Immovable Faith? - Catholic Stand

Are not Catholics who seek an immovable Faith, always striving through God’s grace toward greater union with Him? And, should these Faithful Catholics be …
Father Ramón Arturo Montejo Peinado, a priest of the Diocese of Ocaña, Colombia, was brutally murdered in a parking lot as he resisted the armed robbery of his car.

AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Great participation at the funeral of Father Ramón Arturo Montejo, killed in a …

Bogotá (Agenzia Fides) - In the presence of hundreds of priests from the Province of Ocaña and numerous …

Muslims in Denmark Taunt Locals: “You Will Soon be Exterminated”

Allah's Willing Executioners Antisemitism, Antizionism, Jihadism and the Reunited Germany. News by Fred Alan Medforth https://…
Sean Johnson
And he’s right.
Wilma Lopez
Karla Sofía Gascón is mad that conservative Marion Maréchal refused to play along with the delusion.

Gender-confused best actress award winner sues French politician for calling him a man - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Karla Sofía Gascón is a man and very much looks like one. He identifies, however, as …
Tom Morelli
US government continues to imprison people who make it look bad

US government continues to imprison people who make it look bad

Discover more from Saving Culture (from itself) US government continues to imprison people who make it look bad It was Steve Bannon, not …

There Is No Plan B. What You Never Wanted to Know About

Like everyone else, is looking back on some strange years - not only in a bad way. We're seeing people of all languages sign up and publish their content every day, and at an increasing rate. …More
Like everyone else, is looking back on some strange years - not only in a bad way. We're seeing people of all languages sign up and publish their content every day, and at an increasing rate. is special because it is not another editorial Christian news site telling others what to think. It is a social network that empowers believers themselves. Everyone can contribute. People can post, chat, like, read, communicate, make friends (we even know of some who got married through or disagree with theological opponents.
When started in 2007, we ignored the economic truths that such a project would be very expensive (for our standards). But we knew that, given enough time, we could develop our own software and handle the hardware needed for a big social media. Unaffordable? ... never mind. God and our users, friends, and family would provide somehow.
We simply ignored the fact that without a big money donor - an uncle from America who never came - it …More
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Billy F shares this
Normand Thomas

183. For Jesus to be known

Paul's letter to Timothy is a teaching to revisit. He tells him : You, man of God, avoid all this. Instead, pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. “Compete well for the …More
Paul's letter to Timothy is a teaching to revisit. He tells him :
You, man of God, avoid all this. Instead, pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness.
“Compete well for the faith. Lay hold of eternal life, to which you were called when you made the noble confession in the presence of many witnesses.” 1 Timothy, chapter 6, verses 11 to 12
Are we capable of such a beautiful affirmation of faith before many witnesses? It is the foundation of evangelization: to stay in the good, the beautiful, the true, the real, in what is eternal, and to reveal it to our contemporaries. We want to reel in eternal life and stay there.
We’re invited to reflect on how we can affirm our faith before many witnesses. What meaning do we want to give to our faith life from day to day? What do we want the world to discover about faith? How are we to reveal the Love of God that swells in our heart?
We see in the world the many persecutions against christians or against other religions …More

Charter of the Rights of the Family: parents protect your children

Charter of the Rights of the Family A government that doesn't respect God given rights of the parents and the family is a corrupt …