vizionárka varovania z Irska - odhalená identita. Dôkazy a fakty o nepravosti posolstiev írskej vizionárky MBM : Dôkazy a fakty o nepravosti posolstiev írkej vizionárky MBM známe znaky ešte pred …More
vizionárka varovania z Irska - odhalená identita.
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Ružence, čo sa musím modliť to nezachránia, keď sa zasväcuje satanovi - modlitba číslo 33 ! Však Ježiš Kristus tam je vynechané!
Čo to je za prorokyňa a vizionárka, ktorá sa bojí trpieť pre Božie meno? A to utajovanie? Ježiš povedal: „Veď každý, kto zle robí, nenávidí svetlo a nejde na svetlo, aby jeho skutky neboli odhalené. Ale kto koná pravdu, ide na svetlo, aby bolo vidieť, že svoje skutky koná v Bohu“ (Jn 3, 20-21)
To stay strong in Tradition means to obey what Jesus said and what is written in the Holy Bible and all matters that the Popes before confirmed!
Pls answer if anyone is telling different what all other Popes before, then who is right?
Breaking Tradition is the same as telling that all Popes before were not right.
The Word of God Cannot be changed or modernized to fit actual world,
world full of …More
To stay strong in Tradition means to obey what Jesus said and what is written in the Holy Bible and all matters that the Popes before confirmed!

Pls answer if anyone is telling different what all other Popes before, then who is right?
Breaking Tradition is the same as telling that all Popes before were not right.
The Word of God Cannot be changed or modernized to fit actual world,
world full of sins as never before.

"I can do the same messages"
No, you cannot. But you are free to try.
Benedict resignation was foretold exactly one year before and in the same hour.

+ "I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven"
How do you understand Mt 18,18 :

I dont think it means to stay strong in tradition when it is loose already in Heaven

It is a very good question!
- that's just the building of The Tradition by all the generations before.
Something was bonded something lost like pork prohibition.
But the aim was Glory of the Jesus and His Mother (it is His wish)
Add to the Tradition anything you want to add Glory for Jesus and you'll be high in Heaven or remove what is nothing to do with Jesus Glory.
Jesus told to Catherine Emmerich that those who removes Virgin Mary feasts will be judged together with those who crucified Him.

so, glory to Jesus
God Bless you
I can do the same messages, when I write the thing which already happend a day ago, when I can see the pope Benedict XVI how he visited sv. Celestin grave and 2 days after I will write the message, that he will live the church,...that's not really complicated 😉
How do you understand Mt 18,18 : "whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven"
I dont think it means to stay strong in tradition …More
I can do the same messages, when I write the thing which already happend a day ago, when I can see the pope Benedict XVI how he visited sv. Celestin grave and 2 days after I will write the message, that he will live the church,...that's not really complicated 😉
How do you understand Mt 18,18 : "whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven"
I dont think it means to stay strong in tradition when it is loose already in Heaven
another question : Did really everything happened in messages? Because i know that don't 😀 what abou warming which had to come last christmas a before and before...never enging story
It is simple.
If the Francis will continue the Holy Bible teaching as it is (without changes) then everybody have to obey Francis.
If not, then we have to stay strong in our Tradition.
God and His Holy Word is the first to obey.
Pope is on 3rd place acc. the Canon Law.
Nobody is allowed to change His Word - as it is written in The Bible.
If the prophecies passed by MDM will not came true then this …More
It is simple.
If the Francis will continue the Holy Bible teaching as it is (without changes) then everybody have to obey Francis.
If not, then we have to stay strong in our Tradition.
God and His Holy Word is the first to obey.
Pope is on 3rd place acc. the Canon Law.
Nobody is allowed to change His Word - as it is written in The Bible.

If the prophecies passed by MDM will not came true then this website will dye in natural way and the problem is solved.
Well, the "problem" is that till now, all from this website is coming true.

I want to believe that Francis will be a good pope.
God bless us all.
The Army of Mary: An excommunicated
Roman Catholic group
The Army of Mary is the popular name for the Community of the Lady of All Nations. It is a special interest group, considered by its followers to be a part of the Roman Catholic faith. It was founded in Quebec, Canada, on 1971-AUG-28. As the name implies, the group's purpose is to bring "together souls of good will resolved to …More
The Army of Mary: An excommunicated
Roman Catholic group

The Army of Mary is the popular name for the Community of the Lady of All Nations. It is a special interest group, considered by its followers to be a part of the Roman Catholic faith. It was founded in Quebec, Canada, on 1971-AUG-28. As the name implies, the group's purpose is to bring "together souls of good will resolved to live, with Mary, the Christian life to its perfection in all the demands of the duties of their state. They suggest that "The Army of Mary is the Catholic religion lived intensely." 1 According to the Army's web site, "the goal of the Army of Mary is the sanctification of souls through devotion to the Triple White – the Eucharist, Mary and the Pope..." By emphasizing the Christian message of peace and love, they believe that Jesus' second coming will be hastened.
Members of the Army, called Knights of Mary, are expected to:

Develop a spirit of prayer.

Assist at mass and receive communion every day, if possible.

Practice the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity.

Observe the Ten Commandments.

Recite the rosary each day, the fifteen decades if possible.

Do at least fifteen minutes of spiritual reading daily.

Perform well the duties of his/her state.

Look to his/her interior reform. 1

The founder:
The founder of the Army of Mary is Marie-Paule Gigučre (b. 1921) of Lac-Etchemin, Quebec. From the age of 12, she has heard "an interior voice." She was married in 1944, had five children, and was separated from her husband in 1957. She placed her children in a boarding school and went to live with her mother. In 1958, she received, via her inner voice, instructions from God about her life mission. On 1971-AUG-28, at a pilgrimage at the shrine of Our Lady of Etchemin, she founded the Army of Mary. Four years later, Cardinal Maurice Roy, Archbishop of Quebec and Primate of the Church in Canada, issued a decree recognizing it as a "Pious Association." She is also the author of an autobiography "Life of Love."

Subsequent developments:
1987: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith expressed concern about two books that had been circulated by the Army of Mary. They were by Marc Bosquart, and titled: "De la Trinité Divine ŕ l’Immaculée-Trinité," and "Le Rédempteur et la Co-Rédemptrice." Cardinal Ratzinger stated that they contained "gravely erroneous doctrines," and authorized Cardinal Vachon, the Archbishop of Quebec, to take any needed actions up to and including suppression of the Army. A Committee of Enquiry claimed that the Army of Mary "doesn’t pray with the same words as others." In a press conference of 1987-MAY-7, Ms. Gigučre claimed that she had ordered Bosquart's books withdrawn as soon as the Vatican condemned them. She denied that the Army prays differently from other Catholics.
1987-MAR-25: Cardinal Vachon revoked Roy's 1975 decree which had recognized the Army of Mary as a Pious Association. Cardinal Eduardo Pironio, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, ratified Cardinal Vachon's decision on MAY-4, stating that:
"The activities of the Army of Mary are not in conformity with the teachings of the Church, and that thus the goals of the Army of Mary do not correspond to the goals of the associations of the faithful provided for by the code of canon law."
The main points of conflict appeared to concern "... redemption, the Virgin Mary and reincarnation" which the Catholic Bishops of Canada regard as "profoundly at variance with the teaching and profession of the faith of the Catholic Church." 9 The Army unsuccessfully appealed in 1989 to the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signaturain Rome.
1997: Marie-Paule's husband, Georges Cliche, died. This freed her to become a religious. She was unanimously elected Superior General of the Daughters of Mary -- one of the five organizations that she herself had founded.
1998: Bishop Campbell of Antigonish, NS, one of three Catholic bishops in Nova Scotia, secretly ordained priests affiliated with the Army of Mary, an action that was not well received among some clergy in his diocese.
2000-FEB-29: In a letter, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, told:
"Canadian bishops it is time for them to warn parishioners that the movement can no longer be called 'Catholic' and should be banned from Church property." 2
Ninety one of Canada's 93 active Catholic bishops condemned the Army of Mary as a heretical order and urged its adherents to quit. 3,4 They stated that
"The Army of Mary's ongoing activities and teachings pose dangers for the Catholic Church in Canada and to the faith of its members. In view of this, and of the continuing threat to the integrity and unity of the Catholic faith, the Bishops of Canada declare, and hereby inform all the Catholic faithful, that the Army of Mary, regardless of its claims to the contrary, is not a Catholic association." 9
They pointed out three areas where the Army's teachings are at variance from the church: redemption, the Virgin Mary, and reincarnation. Bishop Campbell of Antigonish and Eugene LaRocque of Alexandria-Cornwall in Eastern Ontario have defended the order. The Vatican later ratified the condemnation by the majority of bishops.
2001-AUG-15: The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops published the doctrinal note that they had written on JUN-29. 9
Late in the year, the Army stated that they have 25,000 members, in 14 countries worldwide. 5
The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a declaration excommunicating all members of the Army of Mary. The Army had been under investigation for six years. Pope Benedict XVI subsequently approved the action. It was publicly announced by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on 2007-SEP-12. 7
The declaration stated, in part:
"Despite repeated warnings by the Bishops of Canada, including Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Archbishop of Quebec City, members of the Army of Mary earlier this year participated in ordinations forbidden by and not recognized by the Catholic Church. The actions obliged the Congregation to issue the declaration, it states, because of 'the very grave situation' and given there was no 'hope of another solution'."

"The list of those members of the Army of Mary incurring excommunication include Father Jean-Pierre Mastropietro, for having attempted to perform ordinations; those claiming to have been ordained by him as deacons and priests; other members of the movement and its associated works who have entered into schism by participating in the ordinations despite an earlier warning issued by Cardinal Ouellet on 26 March 2007, and who remain 'determined to continue to associate with' the movement; and 'whoever knowingly and deliberately embraces' the heretical teachings of the Army of Mary. The declaration states the excommunications are 'latae sententiae', that is they were incurred automatically." 8
more :

Uncle Joe
9 things you need to know about MDM
9. Should Catholics give credence to Maria Divine Mercy?
No. She is an anonymous, unapproved seer whose prophecies contain material that is both demonstrably false and contrary to Catholic teaching regarding the future.
Furthermore, to adhere to her prophecies can result in the grave sin and canonical crime of schism.
If, as soon as a new pope is elected (it …More
9 things you need to know about MDM

9. Should Catholics give credence to Maria Divine Mercy?

No. She is an anonymous, unapproved seer whose prophecies contain material that is both demonstrably false and contrary to Catholic teaching regarding the future.

Furthermore, to adhere to her prophecies can result in the grave sin and canonical crime of schism.

If, as soon as a new pope is elected (it has already happened and MDM's followers are in a state of schism by rejecting Francis), one were to regard him--as Maria Divine Mercy would have us regard him--as a false pope and the False Prophet, one would be in a state of schism.
God will never change his doctrine which is in Holly Bible 😉 and the prayer24 did this
"masons controll everythig - how do you know?"
Pope Paul VI was replaced by American actor for 4 years.
You can check this even by your own in any graphic program
by comparing 2 faces of the Pope and his "doubler"
The list of masons in Catholic hierarchy is well known - there are many materials in internet.
"we can do this (confess) just by priests"
not only, there are some exceptions, for example …More
"masons controll everythig - how do you know?"
Pope Paul VI was replaced by American actor for 4 years.
You can check this even by your own in any graphic program
by comparing 2 faces of the Pope and his "doubler"
The list of masons in Catholic hierarchy is well known - there are many materials in internet.

"we can do this (confess) just by priests"
not only, there are some exceptions, for example when the priest is not available, but anyway God can forgive sins any time He wants - He is the GOD.

God bless you.
and what about visionary of Old and New testament in Holly Bible? They didn't risk their lives? And Aspostoles? How did they die? .... even Jesus read prease - Jn 3, 20-21
And they wasn't scared because it was there written - it didn't came his time. They wasn't scared because it didn't came their time. And MBM - Jn 3, 20-21
masons controll everythig - how do you know? Thanks to this messages people have paranoia
One more comment from ivik310
youca, read Mt 7, 21-29....nad now think about messages of MBM and the praying 24(it is aganist what the Holy Bible saying) Jn 20, 23 ( we can do this just by priests ) Jesus couldn't come and change his doctrine after 2000 years.
Sorry Adelita I saw the whole thing and to tell you the truth I'm not buying it... she is not divine but God's mercy is, she can't follow church teaching because the masons control everything, her messages ARE not in contradiction with the bible AT ALL! and Jesus can't tell her that the pope is false? Jesus rebuke peter as satan once and Jesus can't say a pope is false? He said the pope Francis is …More
Sorry Adelita I saw the whole thing and to tell you the truth I'm not buying it... she is not divine but God's mercy is, she can't follow church teaching because the masons control everything, her messages ARE not in contradiction with the bible AT ALL! and Jesus can't tell her that the pope is false? Jesus rebuke peter as satan once and Jesus can't say a pope is false? He said the pope Francis is not the pope at least ecumenically speaking, Benedict is still the pope... is like when cardinal Bertone was pushed because of the 3rd secret not been revealed he said "the virgin can't criticized the church" REALLY? then who can no one and we are suppose to drink whatever error some priests are teaching... look believe whatever you guys want... im done discusing. blessings
And, is Maria Divine Mercy God when talking against her messases is sin against Holly Spririt like is written in her messages? Why in Medzugoria when people don't believe in this messages it is o.k.? Or any others messages accredit by Church ?
Fr Elija Vella on Maria Divine Mercy
👍 🤗
the pope IS NOT THE SON OF MAN, the pope IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT. You are going against magisterium, the pope IS NOT GOD, and the pope is infallible ON DOGMA ONLY, do you know what dogma is and what doctrine is? Look it up, dogma is the only thing that CAN'T be CHANGED because it is an UNDENIABLE TRUTH!!! IS JESUS GOD? YES... that is dogma, MARY IS THE MOTHER OF GOD? YES that is dogma, IS …More
the pope IS NOT THE SON OF MAN, the pope IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT. You are going against magisterium, the pope IS NOT GOD, and the pope is infallible ON DOGMA ONLY, do you know what dogma is and what doctrine is? Look it up, dogma is the only thing that CAN'T be CHANGED because it is an UNDENIABLE TRUTH!!! IS JESUS GOD? YES... that is dogma, MARY IS THE MOTHER OF GOD? YES that is dogma, IS EVERYTHING THAT THE POPE SAYS INFALLIBLE... ONLY ON DOGMA RELATED ISSUES and THE DOGMA HAS BEEN DEFINED A LONG TIME AGO PERIOD... learn your faith, read the bible and then comeback with something that is concrete, PETER BETRAYED JESUS BY DENYING HIM 3 TIMES, PETER WAS REBUKED BY PAUL but was that a sin? NOOO!!!! CORRECTING you Brother is an act of love... again the POPE IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN CORRECT ONLY IF WE SAY SOMETHING WHEN NOBODY IS... blessings.
adeste fideles
Matthew 23:37 ^
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, putting to death the prophets, and stoning those who are sent to her! Again and again would I have taken your children to myself as a bird takes her young ones under her wings, and you would not!
Postoj exorcistu p. E. Vellu k falošným zjaveniam z Ísrka:
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Postoj exorcistu p. E. Vellu k falošným zjaveniam z Ísrka:

nepoznate niekoho kto by to mohol preložit do SK?

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Mt 12,,,,,,
30 'Anyone who is not with me is against me, and anyone who does not gather in with me throws away.
31 And so I tell you, every human sin andblashemy will be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.
32 And anyone who says a word against the Son of man will be forgiven; but no one who speaks against the Holy Spirit will be forgiven either in this world or in the …
Mt 12,,,,,,
30 'Anyone who is not with me is against me, and anyone who does not gather in with me throws away.
31 And so I tell you, every human sin andblashemy will be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.

32 And anyone who says a word against the Son of man will be forgiven; but no one who speaks against the Holy Spirit will be forgiven either in this world or in the next."""

Infallibility means that if the pope attempts to teach a false doctrine on faith or morals, the Holy Spirit prevents him (even by death) from imposing such an error on the faithful.

So, for example, no pope can declare, “As of today, the number of commandments is nine instead of ten.” Nor can he declare, “Jesus was not a man” or “Jesus was not the Son of God.”

Infallibility also doesn’t mean perfection. Infallible statements aren’t perfect statements, so they can be improved so that subsequent popes can use better or more accurate language. Yet infallible statements can never be contradicted, rejected, or refuted.

So according to Catholicism, an immoral pope (you’ll find several in Church history) can sin like any man and will answer to God for his evil deeds. However, as supreme head of the Church, the pope retains his infallibility on matters of faith and morals as long as he remains pope.

No pope in 2,000 years has formally and officially taught an error of faith or morals to the universal Church. Individually, some may have been poor or inadequate theologians or philosophers, and some may have had erroneous ideas about science.
That has nothing to do with papal infallibility

👍 😡
Oh my God, when saints have found pope who are really bad do they condemned them? No! Now I'm I condemning Francis? No... Is it a sin to CORRECT POPES? NO! Apostel Paul himself corrected Peter, the first pope!!! Read the bible, galats 1:8 "even if an angel from heaven teaches you something different than our teachings, is anathema" Anathema means dammed! That is with an angel imagime a human, if a …More
Oh my God, when saints have found pope who are really bad do they condemned them? No! Now I'm I condemning Francis? No... Is it a sin to CORRECT POPES? NO! Apostel Paul himself corrected Peter, the first pope!!! Read the bible, galats 1:8 "even if an angel from heaven teaches you something different than our teachings, is anathema" Anathema means dammed! That is with an angel imagime a human, if a pope teachea something like atheists go to heaven if they do good... in TOTAL DENIAL OF WHAT JESUS SAID: Whoever does not believe shall be condemned... and that is only the tip of the iceberg, WHAT IM I SAYING? FOLLOW JESUS IN THE APOSTOLIC TEACHINGS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, if bergoglio is an antipope then youl be alright because you are seeking jesus through the eucharist, and if bergoglio commits a huhe mistake then it will not affect you, just BE CAUTIOUS, that's all... many blessings.
sorry....but Holy spirit can act even trough errors of pops...we must NOT judge...pope can go wrong HOLY SPIRIT CAN NOT...
obbeying pope{even if He could be wrong} we dont have to agree...we just obbey and you see in history...there were saints who were greatly dishonoured by popes..like Mary Ward ...or Pater Pio...
they stayed obedient and truth came alive...and many more...actually were dishonourly …More
sorry....but Holy spirit can act even trough errors of pops...we must NOT judge...pope can go wrong HOLY SPIRIT CAN NOT...

obbeying pope{even if He could be wrong} we dont have to agree...we just obbey and you see in history...there were saints who were greatly dishonoured by popes..like Mary Ward ...or Pater Pio...

they stayed obedient and truth came alive...and many more...actually were dishonourly discharged...and then there was posthumous pardon given...

so it isnt necessery to be right ...you trust church ...you obbey POPE...you believe in HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH...

you believe its work of HOLY spirit...

how come devil penetrated church then...????

what do we do...resign...??? When Jesus was crucified his apostols fleed...so are we like that...If they persecuit pope...we say..oh he was ANTIPOPE???? LETS DROP it???

Of course...BenedictXVI wasnt saint???

No, he was sinner just like POPE FRANCIS IS and JUST LIKE JOHN PAUL II..

Holy spirit works trough sinners...

you dont trust pope...you sin against Holy spirit...it is written in Scripture to sin against Holy spirit it is ,,UNPARDONABLE SIN"

didnt mean to offend anyone..

have a blessed day... I have loads of doubts too..and prayer destroys our doubts and our darnkness, remeber this'
😇 🤗