Medjuorje: italienische Pilger weint Tränen aus Blut. dasypeltis Medici 23. Mai, 2014 Medjuorje: italienische Pilger weint Tränen aus BlutMore
Medjuorje: italienische Pilger weint Tränen aus Blut.
dasypeltis Medici 23. Mai, 2014 Medjuorje: italienische Pilger weint Tränen aus Blut
Francesco Federico
L'Emolacria è una condizione patologica che porta una persona a produrre lacrime parzialmente composte da sangue. Si può presentare con lacrime semplicemente tinte di rosso oppure interamente composte di sangue.
Può essere segno di numerose malattie[1] o essere indicativa di una neoplasia dell'apparato lacrimale. È spesso dovuta a fattori locali, come congiuntiviti batteriche, ferite o …More
L'Emolacria è una condizione patologica che porta una persona a produrre lacrime parzialmente composte da sangue. Si può presentare con lacrime semplicemente tinte di rosso oppure interamente composte di sangue.
Può essere segno di numerose malattie[1] o essere indicativa di una neoplasia dell'apparato lacrimale. È spesso dovuta a fattori locali, come congiuntiviti batteriche, ferite o esposizione a diversi agenti ambientali[2] e, raramente, da tubercolosi[3].
Sergio Borge
🙏 Dios mío perdónanos, Reina de la Paz, perdónanos.
Well if this man has a history of this medical condition it would probably be recorded somewhere wherever he is from or by someone who knows him. If there is no evidence of this in his history then is not possible that this is a miracle. Now, just because some things related to Medjugorje are rather questionable, it doesn't exclude that some things may be legitimate. These things related to Medjugorje …More
Well if this man has a history of this medical condition it would probably be recorded somewhere wherever he is from or by someone who knows him. If there is no evidence of this in his history then is not possible that this is a miracle. Now, just because some things related to Medjugorje are rather questionable, it doesn't exclude that some things may be legitimate. These things related to Medjugorje just seem more and more complicated and confusing as they go along.
ziemlich grausig
All glory to the God the Creator of wonders both natural and supernatural.
Cantena Aurea...THEOPHYL. This is an explanation of the doctrine of miracles. It is by prayer, and invocation of His name, that a man is able to work miracles. (John 14:12-14)
Perspective...Private revelation not necessary but supplemental. Hopefully the experience confirmed their faith since on a pilgrimage and they got …More
All glory to the God the Creator of wonders both natural and supernatural.

Cantena Aurea...THEOPHYL. This is an explanation of the doctrine of miracles. It is by prayer, and invocation of His name, that a man is able to work miracles. (John 14:12-14)

Perspective...Private revelation not necessary but supplemental. Hopefully the experience confirmed their faith since on a pilgrimage and they got him down the mountain safely and to a doctor.
Grund dafür ist nicht bekannt! Man kann sich viel übles über Medjugorje einbilden, wenn man nicht selbst dort war und erfahren und erkannt hat, das es ein heiliger Ort des Gebets ist, das der hl. Dreifaltige Gott und Mutter Gottes dort am Werk sind!
A medjugorje taxi driver, Zarko Selak, has named Udovico Pedone, an Italian pilgrim from Bari, as the person who experienced the “tears of blood” phenomenon on Apparition Hill.
The pilgrim first came to Medjugorje last year. With three friends he approached Zarko at the taxi stand and asked if he could take them to speak with one of the visionaries. The taxi driver agreed to take the group to meet …
A medjugorje taxi driver, Zarko Selak, has named Udovico Pedone, an Italian pilgrim from Bari, as the person who experienced the “tears of blood” phenomenon on Apparition Hill.

The pilgrim first came to Medjugorje last year. With three friends he approached Zarko at the taxi stand and asked if he could take them to speak with one of the visionaries. The taxi driver agreed to take the group to meet with Ivanka Elez.

Udovico was able to speak with Ivanka and spent the rest of the day in Medjugorje before returning home to Bari the following day from Dubrovnik.

A few days later Zarko received a telephone call from Udovico informing him that something unusual was happening and that he had started to bleed from his nose, eyes, mouth and ears. He said he had been examined by doctors and told that he was completely healthy, physically and mentally.

Udovico returned to Medjugorje a couple of months later and looked up Zarko again at the taxi rank. He wanted to go to Apparition Hill, so Zarko drove the group of four and climbed the hill with them.

When they reached the summit, Udovico knelt down at Our Lady’s statue and began to pray. Soon blood started to flow from Udovico’s eyes as can be seen on the video which was filmed by Udovico’s son. His son handed his father a handkerchief to wipe the blood. Zarko explains that he took the handkerchief and could smell blood – and roses.

Having cleaned the blood from his face Udovico knelt again to pray and once more began to weep. But this time the tears were normal and there were no signs of any blood.

The group returned to the base of the hill to freshen up and sit down for coffee. Zarko enquired of Udovico if the phenomenon happened often. Udovico explained that it occured daily, sometimes twice a day. He then expressed a desire to visit Ivanka again and Zarko obliged. Ivanka offered no explanation as to why the phenomenon happens but said only: “Pray to God.”

source: brotnjo online
Bilder und Statuen weinen manchmal auch Bluttränen, und es liegt auf der Hand - warum...!
Erstens wegen der blutigen Christenverfolgung, und zweitens wegen der weltweiten Massenabtreibung... Da Rom nicht entschieden dagegen vorgeht, frage ich mich ob die Botschaften in letzter Zeit nicht manipuliert werden, in denen immer die Rede von den "Hirten" ist. Das passt so gar nicht zu den früheren …More
Bilder und Statuen weinen manchmal auch Bluttränen, und es liegt auf der Hand - warum...!
Erstens wegen der blutigen Christenverfolgung, und zweitens wegen der weltweiten Massenabtreibung... Da Rom nicht entschieden dagegen vorgeht, frage ich mich ob die Botschaften in letzter Zeit nicht manipuliert werden, in denen immer die Rede von den "Hirten" ist. Das passt so gar nicht zu den früheren Botschaften...! 🙏 🙏 🙏
Ich habe auf diesem Berg auch schon sehr intensiv gebetet und dabei geweint - keine Bluttränen, sondern ganz normale. Aber ich hätte es nicht wollen, dass ich dabei gefilmt werde und die ganze Welt das gezeigt bekommt. Das innige Gebet ist doch so intim. Sicher hat dieser Pilger in besonderer Weise gebetet. Lassen wir ihm doch dieses persönliche Erleben!
An Italian pilgrim cries blood... According to the report, the Italian went to pray with friends on Apparition Hill, the location where the Virgin Mary allegedly first appeared to a group of small children in June, 1981.