
Methodist Falling apart over Homosexualism

The “United” Methodists have lost a fifth of their US congregations over wanting homosex marriage and homosex ordinations, writes ApNews.com (July 6). More than 6,000 United Methodist congregations — including the largest and most vital groups — have left as of June 2023. Denominational officials are bracing for significant budget cuts in 2024. The number of departing congregations is higher than originally estimated.

Picture: © Elvert Barnes, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsOrvxjlxniw

Tony Smith
The religion is crap to start with.
Could easily have read; Catholics falling apart over homosexualism
Jason l
God is pruning His vines!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I live in an area which used to, 75 years ago, have a very strong Catholic presence, as well as what many call "WASP" presence . We all know how the Catholic Church has collapsed and closed up shop over the last 60+ years, but I can count 5 Baptist "churches" in my area which are closed and used as a bakery, a kindergarten, a bookstore, etc. The few that are open have congregations of at most 60 …More
I live in an area which used to, 75 years ago, have a very strong Catholic presence, as well as what many call "WASP" presence . We all know how the Catholic Church has collapsed and closed up shop over the last 60+ years, but I can count 5 Baptist "churches" in my area which are closed and used as a bakery, a kindergarten, a bookstore, etc. The few that are open have congregations of at most 60 people.....one closest to me was built in 1871, and has 24 active members....and yet the keep the building open. I've been to Episcopal churches, where the average Sunday attendance is 15-16 people. One super rich family near our old neighborhood bought a closed Methodist church and turned it into their house....huge.
Sadly, if heretic apostate Pope Francis and his trolls have their way about giving blessings to homos at this "synod" of theirs, the Catholic Church will splinter into dozens of new traditionalist, or at the least, conservative branches, while the original body collapses....just like these portestant "churches"
The ICKSP and SSPX Churches are full of people.
J G Tasan
Ivan Tomas
Lay man-gay man Johnatan Blake.
Malki Tzedek
Precisely. What is occurring too frequently in faith communities right now is the offering of compromises and concessions to those who, for the most part, are more invested in the demise of religion, and the celebration of themselves, rather than finding their way to God. Jesus did not negotiate with the young rich man.
Philadelphia Trad
Has anyone ever done a serious study, polling out-and-about homosexuals to see how many of them actually believe in God, Christianity, and going to church? Simply putting out a rainbow flag and an "all are welcome" message probably isn't enough to attract people who have no intention of going to church in the first place. I'd also be curious to see a serious study about how many people have LEFT …More
Has anyone ever done a serious study, polling out-and-about homosexuals to see how many of them actually believe in God, Christianity, and going to church? Simply putting out a rainbow flag and an "all are welcome" message probably isn't enough to attract people who have no intention of going to church in the first place. I'd also be curious to see a serious study about how many people have LEFT their mainline protestant and liberal Catholic Churches over the pandering to LGBTWXYZ.
The problem is, according to sociological data, that 30% of clergy and bishops are of the Fr. James Martin S.J. persuasion. However, most laymen disgusted by the pro-gay celebration Catholics don't usually lose their faith over it. They just move to another traditional or conservative parish. Some switch to the Eastern Catholic rites i.e. Greek, Byzantine or Marianite, etc. Still others leave for …More
The problem is, according to sociological data, that 30% of clergy and bishops are of the Fr. James Martin S.J. persuasion. However, most laymen disgusted by the pro-gay celebration Catholics don't usually lose their faith over it. They just move to another traditional or conservative parish. Some switch to the Eastern Catholic rites i.e. Greek, Byzantine or Marianite, etc. Still others leave for Orthodoxy.