CNN The Revealer: The Pantheon-- CNN The Revealer: The Pantheon Apr. 21, 2011We were eager to investigate an exciting new theory that this majestic building, one of the oldest in antiquity, may actually …More
CNN The Revealer: The Pantheon--

CNN The Revealer: The Pantheon Apr. 21, 2011We were eager to investigate an exciting new theory that this majestic building, one of the oldest in antiquity, may actually have been built as a colossal sundial. It’s a complex piece of academic research that involves how shafts of light pour into the Pantheon at different times of the year. Make sure to watch the piece on the website to fully understand it.
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CNN The Revealer: The Pantheon "We were eager to investigate an exciting new theory that this majestic building, one of the oldest in antiquity, may actually have been built as a colossal sundial. It’s a complex piece of academic research that involves how shafts of light pour into the Pantheon at different times of the year. Make sure to watch the piece on the website to fully understand it."
CNN The Revealer: The Pantheon "We were eager to investigate an exciting new theory that this majestic building, one of the oldest in antiquity, may actually have been built as a colossal sundial. It’s a complex piece of academic research that involves how shafts of light pour into the Pantheon at different times of the year. Make sure to watch the piece on the website to fully understand it."