Charles Coulombe explains his regular participation in the “Annual Tarot Forecast” as a celebrity guest at a Gnostic lodge. He claims evangelizing intent and insists he doesn’t believe in Tarot cards.
James Mullen
A Catholic all my life there was a time that I was very much interested in the Theosophical Society, Hinduism, Krishnamurti, A Course in Miracles, and more. I was just fascinated by it all. If Charles Coulombe were to come and give a talk about Tarot Cards I'm sure it would of help me in my Catholic faith. And to put things in perspective.
You sat through all 20 minutes of @DefendTruth ? I feel bad for you.. The title was already a fail-boat. “Annual Tarot Forecast” as a celebrity guest at a Gnostic lodge." Occultnik cranks doing something occultnik-y. At least Miss Cleo knew how to makes some cash with that racket.
The connection is: Kabbala, Gnosticism, developing God and finally Tarot.
In this 20 minute (!) video: nothing new was addressed. The problem of going into a Theosophist Lodge with a Gnostic bishop multiple times was, of course, left undiscussed.
Carol H
"Partly entertainment..." ? - that's what most Tarot card users say; alas, in this instance Mr. Coulombe seems to be using the same rationalization. In other words, the intent to minimize the associated danger. Mr. Coulombe does not believe they can read the future so therefore, as he assures us, it is ok for him to play with them; especially as he is using them to "evangelize". But here is the rub …More
"Partly entertainment..." ? - that's what most Tarot card users say; alas, in this instance Mr. Coulombe seems to be using the same rationalization. In other words, the intent to minimize the associated danger. Mr. Coulombe does not believe they can read the future so therefore, as he assures us, it is ok for him to play with them; especially as he is using them to "evangelize". But here is the rub: while you may have the opportunity to "Christianize" the symbolism, your very participation (especially as it is now known) mocks the authority of parents who are telling their children not to pick them up. Furthermore, you keep your comrades comfortable in their anti-Christian practices which they will bring with them even in conversion. After all, if its no big deal for you to have a bit of fun with them, why should it ever be a big deal for them? When does the ripple effect stop?