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Pope acknowledges 'gay lobby' influence in Vatican CWN - 10 hours ago
Pope Francis reportedly confirmed the existence of a “gay lobby” within the Roman Curia, in a candid conversation with visiting religious from Latin America. During a meeting with representatives of the Latin American and Caribbean Confederation of Religious (CLAR), the Pope spoke frankly about the need for reform in the Church and particularly in the Vatican bureaucracy. A report on the...
Irish bishops exhort lawmakers to reject abortion CWN - 7 hours ago
Warning that pending legislation would “fundamentally change the culture of medical practice in Ireland,” the country’s Catholic bishops have called upon lawmakers to reject a bill that would allow...
Cardinal Koch challenges Orthodox to reexamine tendency to nationalism CWN - 16 hours ago
Speaking at the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, the Vatican’s leading ecumenical official challenged the Eastern Orthodox world to “boldly examine its main ecclesiological problem, namely,...
Liberal group sees 'McCarthyism' in criticism of CCHD CWN - 7 hours ago
Critics of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) are engaged in “McCarthyism” that interferes with the Church’s efforts to help the poor, according to a report from a Washington-based...
Quest for power saps strength of Church, Pope says CWN - 8 hours ago
The Church must carry out her work “with a heart of poverty, not with the heart of an investment broker,” Pope Francis told a congregation at the Domus Sanctae Marthae on June 11. The key to...
Benedict XVI supported move to 'unblock' beatification cause of Archbishop Romero CWN - 9 hours ago
Although the cause for beatification of Archbishop Oscar Romero was reportedly “unblocked” by Pope Francis earlier this year, Pope Benedict XVI had also favored the beatification of the slain...
Obama administration will not appeal morning-after pills for girls of all ages CWN - 16 hours ago
Reversing course, the Obama administration has ended its appeal of a federal judge’s ruling that mandated the over-the-counter sale of the morning-after pill to women and girls of all ages. “By...
Islamic leader: Pope should proclaim Islam as religion of peace CWN - 7 hours ago
A spokesman for Egypt’s influential Al Azhar University has said that a restoration of friendly ties between the Islamic institution and the Vatican will come when Pope Francis proclaims that Islam...
Turkish court says bishop's killer acted alone CWN - 6 hours ago
The 2010 murder of a Catholic bishop in Turkey was the work of a lone individual, not a group or religious faction, a Turkish court has ruled. Bishop Luigi Padovese was stabbed by his driver,...
Papal message to Italian group for the blind CWN - 7 hours ago
Pope Francis has set an audio message to participants in a summer program organized by the Italian Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired. In the Gospels, the Pope observed, “the...
Head of Ukrainian Catholic Church strongly denies dissent on issue of homosexuality CWN - 16 hours ago
The head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has forcefully denied that he dissents from the teaching of the Church on homosexuality. “Some call you the most liberal head of the Ukrainian...
US bishops reiterate call for passage of immigration-reform legislation CWN - 16 hours ago
Speaking at a press conference near San Diego, where the US bishops are on retreat, three prelates called for the passage of immigration-reform legislation. “While not perfect, the Senate...
Vatican envoy at UN calls for steps to broaden access to medicines CWN - 7 hours ago
The Vatican’s representative at UN headquarters in Geneva has called attention to the difficulties that millions of people face in obtaining needed medications. Speaking to a session on access to...
1st bishop from Niger consecrated CWN - 16 hours ago
For the first time in its history, the largely Muslim west African nation of Niger has a native-born bishop. Auxiliary Bishop Djalwana Laurent Lompo of Niamey, the nation’s capital, was ordained...
Fake priest’s blasphemous Facebook page gains 135,000 ‘likes’ CWN - 16 hours ago
Some Hungarian students have a created a Facebook page of a fake priest who is an alcoholic, a pedophile, and posts blasphemous comments. In a nation of under ten million people, the page has...
Pope stresses religious freedom during visit by Italian President Napolitano CWN - June 10
“In today's world, religious freedom is more often asserted than accomplished,” Pope Francis said as he greeted Italian President Giorgio Napolitano to the Vatican on June 8. Napolitano, who was...
Be ready for God's surprises, Pope advises young Italian pilgrims CWN - June 10
“All of life is a pilgrimage,” Pope Francis said in a telephone message to thousands of young people preparing for the 35th annual pilgrimage from the Italian town of Macerata to the shrine of...
Churches close as Detroit archdiocese reorganizes CWN - June 10
The Detroit archdiocese is implementing a series of changes, closing or merging parishes in response of financial constraints and a shortage of priests. After the changes go into effect the...