Pope: we listen to Jesus by reading the Gospel each day. At noon on Sunday, a few hours before beginning his visit to the parish of Santa Maria dell'Orazione, Pope Francis prayed the Angelus with the …More
Pope: we listen to Jesus by reading the Gospel each day.

At noon on Sunday, a few hours before beginning his visit to the parish of Santa Maria dell'Orazione, Pope Francis prayed the Angelus with the faithful gathered in St Peter's Square. Speaking ahead of the traditional prayer of Marian devotion, the Holy Father focused on the Gospel reading of the day, which tells the story of the Transfiguration. Three were the principal elements that Pope Francis identified in his reflection: the importance of listening, of being attuned and attentive to the Word of God; and the twofold movement of ascent and descent that characterizes the Gospel episode (Mt. 17:1-9), in which the Lord takes Peter, James and John to the top of Mt Tabor, reveals Himself in His glor ...