EWTN News Nightly - 2014-07-15 - Proposed Anti-Life laws - Brian Patrick. Jason Calvi reports from Capitol Hill on a bill that would eliminate many pro-life laws . We're then joined by the President …More
EWTN News Nightly - 2014-07-15 - Proposed Anti-Life laws - Brian Patrick.

Jason Calvi reports from Capitol Hill on a bill that would eliminate many pro-life laws . We're then joined by the President of the National Right to Life, Carol Tobias, who's challenging this bill, calling it "the most radical pro-abortion bill ever considered by Congress." Our Alan Holdren reports on a place Pope Francis can find peace in Rome. Today marks 8 years since Twitter launched to the public -- we're joined by the American Press Institute's Kevin Loker about the impact of this social media platform. And our Mark Irons reports on a unique way D.C. summer tourists are beating the heat.