Bergoglio desecrated -instrumentalized- the sacrament of Baptism in Argentina to support gay adoptions. Bergoglio supported gay adoptions in Argentina. Another evidence of Bergoglio's apostate and …More
Bergoglio desecrated -instrumentalized- the sacrament of Baptism in Argentina to support gay adoptions.
Bergoglio supported gay adoptions in Argentina.
Another evidence of Bergoglio's apostate and schismatic heretical past that disqualified him from being pope.
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In Scripture Saint Peter clearly teaches us that in order to receive Baptism it is necessary to first repent of sins. Christian parents are the ones who ask for the Baptism of their children because it is a gift of the Holy Spirit for the faithful believer and for his children. That is why at the Baptism Ceremony we renounce Satan and all his works and then each year we renew our baptismal promise …More
In Scripture Saint Peter clearly teaches us that in order to receive Baptism it is necessary to first repent of sins. Christian parents are the ones who ask for the Baptism of their children because it is a gift of the Holy Spirit for the faithful believer and for his children. That is why at the Baptism Ceremony we renounce Satan and all his works and then each year we renew our baptismal promise. If an unrepentant adult receives baptism, he commits sacrilege. If a child is bought or manufactured to live in an environment of sin, in a little Sodom and Gomorrah. First you have to get that child out of that perverse and corrupting environment. If his Catholic formation is not assured, then baptism is postponed until he has the use of reason and can ask for baptism himself.
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We live in the Post-Truth Time where a lesbian masquerades as a man and Bergoglio calls her "man", where a homosexual man masquerades as a woman and Bergoglio calls him a girl. Where a heretic masquerades as a pope and although everyone clearly sees his acts of apostasy and public heresy they still continue to recognize him and give him papal honors as if he were a pope.
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@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori And if the majority of the members of an Institution are corrupted to the point of hiring a fraudster as the Head of a Bank? What can most people who know the past of this scammer do? Report it. And warn most people so that at least they don't invest their money and talent in that corrupt bank.
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@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Well, what can most of us Catholics do who know Bergoglio's heretical past that disqualifies him as Pope? Denounce him publicly. Because if we can't force him out of the Vatican, where he is achieving the greatest destruction of souls, at least we can rescue the few Catholics who want to see and accept this harsh but undeniable reality.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
THis does no good, unless this information is blasted thru the whole Church, to reveal the heretic that Pope Francis really is.
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Bergoglio usurps the papacy and abuses a power and authority that he does not legitimately have. And unfortunately the Dubia's cardinals in the end they came out with nothing washing their hands. And even worse, with their complicit silence, they are in full communion with a heretic who, posing as a pope, is destroying the Church and who profanely using the name of God defies the Law of God and …More
Bergoglio usurps the papacy and abuses a power and authority that he does not legitimately have. And unfortunately the Dubia's cardinals in the end they came out with nothing washing their hands. And even worse, with their complicit silence, they are in full communion with a heretic who, posing as a pope, is destroying the Church and who profanely using the name of God defies the Law of God and contradicts His Holy Word.
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Who have given power to the Beast? Who have given Bergoglio the Power to destroy the Church? All those who have recognized the False Pope as legitimate and have supported this great deception.
la verdad prevalece
Another evidence of Bergoglio's apostate and schismatic heretical past that disqualified him from being pope.