275 Tsd.
Sr. Cristina Scuccia: 'Girls Just Want To Have Fun:' Sister Cristina Scuccia hat die nächste Runde erreicht bei "The Voice of Italy"Mehr
Sr. Cristina Scuccia: 'Girls Just Want To Have Fun:'

Sister Cristina Scuccia hat die nächste Runde erreicht bei "The Voice of Italy"
Would The Virgin Mary go on stage and sing this song?!
Nether should the bride of Christ!
This is sick! There will be NO fun were this Nun is going unless she repents!Mehr
Would The Virgin Mary go on stage and sing this song?!
Nether should the bride of Christ!

This is sick! There will be NO fun were this Nun is going unless she repents!
🤦 🤒
Ben Martin
The nun's song should be:
Nuns Just Want to be DUMB. They like to preform sacrilegious actions for the world to cheer them on!!
Nuns just Want to be DUMB!!
It does not matter if they offend God----Nuns are just want to be DUMB and want to be number one for their own vanity!!
start cheering! All you smiling faces below start singing these offenses to God!!Mehr
The nun's song should be:
Nuns Just Want to be DUMB. They like to preform sacrilegious actions for the world to cheer them on!!

Nuns just Want to be DUMB!!
It does not matter if they offend God----Nuns are just want to be DUMB and want to be number one for their own vanity!!

start cheering! All you smiling faces below start singing these offenses to God!!
Io sono nel mondo e non del Mondo (S. Paolo). Ho scelto di annunciare Cristo e il suo Vangelo, e non partecipare ai divertimenti del mondo cantando canzoni con brani che inneggiano al piacere e al divertimento. In questo mi adeguo al mondo e pongo la Chiesa di cui mi sono consacrata a livello del mondo.
Non sono d’accordo! Dovevi scegliere di essere laica per fare successo e non un abito religioso …Mehr
Io sono nel mondo e non del Mondo (S. Paolo). Ho scelto di annunciare Cristo e il suo Vangelo, e non partecipare ai divertimenti del mondo cantando canzoni con brani che inneggiano al piacere e al divertimento. In questo mi adeguo al mondo e pongo la Chiesa di cui mi sono consacrata a livello del mondo.

Non sono d’accordo! Dovevi scegliere di essere laica per fare successo e non un abito religioso per fare quello che fai oppure dovevi porre la tua voce per lodare Dio e le parole evangeliche, e non testi mondani…

Gesù mio perdono e misericordia…
adeste fideles
😡 The Girls just want to have fun ???????????????????
the nun bride of the Incarnate Word, lives wholly concentrated with Christ in God.
Patricia Manta
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Cosa succede? Suor Cristina conquista il suo giudice laico, Paolo Brosio porta Cecchi Paone a Medjugorje... I credenti sono attratti dai non credenti oppure è il contrario? Comunque, forza ragazzi! Il Signore può farvi portare a Lui molte anime.
Ben Martin
Maybe Mr. Humble can wash this nun's feet and they can dance and sing together---I am sure it will make great headline news for the pagan world to celebrate and cheer the mocking of Christ ----all that matters is you have fun doing so.
Your watching the fruit of Satan and Vatican II---we are living in---look below at the so call Catholic that cheer this trash on----it is a sign of the times. Rotten …Mehr
Maybe Mr. Humble can wash this nun's feet and they can dance and sing together---I am sure it will make great headline news for the pagan world to celebrate and cheer the mocking of Christ ----all that matters is you have fun doing so.

Your watching the fruit of Satan and Vatican II---we are living in---look below at the so call Catholic that cheer this trash on----it is a sign of the times. Rotten fruit!!
monica medina
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..."quando canta suor Cristina ha il dono di trasmettere gioia.." Trasmetti Cristo suor Cristina, io sono con te 👏
👏 👏 👏
Very worldly! How sad. 🤦
God Bless sister Cristina Scuccia.
She's reached about 100 million viewers so far showing that Jesus is real and amazing.
Her albums of sacred religious music will follow IMHO and it is what I expect for Glory of God.Mehr
God Bless sister Cristina Scuccia.

She's reached about 100 million viewers so far showing that Jesus is real and amazing.
Her albums of sacred religious music will follow IMHO and it is what I expect for Glory of God.
I agree with ON GUARD. This is dangerous for her vocation. This is more about her than about evangelizing.
Iacobus, das hätte ich trefflicher nicht sagen können... das ist genau so missionarisch erfolglos, wie Kleriker, die meinen mit einem "abgefahrenen" Hobby auf sich aufmerksam mache zu müssen....freuen sie die Medien, ham sie einen neuen Deppen, den sie durchs Dorf treiben können....... 👌
miguel 1997
Bello bellísimooooooooooo
Das Argument "Apostolat mit neuen Mitteln" verreckt nach wenigern Metern.
In einigen Monaten oder höchstens ein, zwei Jahren ist die Sache wieder Schnee von vorgestern und vergessen und die Medien kauen an neuem Frischfleisch. Die Welt ist unersättlich. Wenn man sich ihr anbiedert stirbt man mit ihr.
Sie schmeißt unseren gekreuzigten Herrn von links nach rechts über die Bühne. Blasphemisch? O Ja!
„O du hochheilig Kreuze, daran mein Herr gehangen in Schmerz und Todesbangen.
Allda mit Speer und Nägeln die Glieder sind durchbrochen, Händ, Füß und Seit durchstochen.“
Sie schmeißt unseren gekreuzigten Herrn von links nach rechts über die Bühne. Blasphemisch? O Ja!

„O du hochheilig Kreuze, daran mein Herr gehangen in Schmerz und Todesbangen.

Allda mit Speer und Nägeln die Glieder sind durchbrochen, Händ, Füß und Seit durchstochen.“
🤨 🤨