Preparing for Eternal Life I

  1. Month of JuneSacred Heart of Jesus Feast Day June 7, 2024 first Friday after Corpus Christi octave, movable feast

Burning furnace of charity

Father’s Day, best of human fathers St. Joseph

  1. Sacred Heart of Jesus

It is an image that conveys Jesus’ intense burning all-consuming love for each one of us, in the particular as well as collective

Bishop Donald J. Hying is bishop of the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin.

Jesus’ heart is moved with pity for the crowds (see Mt 9:36) (mercy)

and He tells us that He is gentle and humble of heart (Mt 11:29).

Jansenism, particularly prevalent in France in the 16th and 17th centuries, overemphasized the wrath of God, the unworthiness of human nature and fear as a fundamental response to the divine.

Viewed in this context, the apparitions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque manifest a need for a theological correction and a spiritual balance regarding popular perceptions of Christ. Jesus revealed to the saint His heart, burning with love for humanity. Pierced and crucified — offering salvation and mercy — Jesus’ heart longs for us to offer our love and devotion in return.[1]

St. Margaret Mary described her experience of the Lord: “My divine Heart is so passionately fond of the human race and of you, in particular, that it cannot keep back the pent-up flames of its burning charity any longer. They must burst out through you and reveal my Heart to the world, so as to enrich mankind with my treasures.”

This devotion unites our minds, hearts and wills in one great act of oblation — a total gift of the self to the One who has first offered himself completely to and for us.

GG has the episodes Fatherhood & the Sacred Heart found in the search bar. episode 7

There is a promise concerning the hour of death

 I will be their secure refuge during life, and, above all, in death.

Fear running rampant through Jansenism, Church tic tock back and forth, vacillate mercy & justice. God no divorce between these terms, perfect in their unity. Man responds differently depending on the circumstances of the world.

This devotion beautiful and necessary. Love in the particular, we must hear that same way He introduced BVM to John. To a person in particularity with general application.

Lord is in love with each person, longs to untied and perfected in His Heart. Be who he created us to be.

Experience His divine love.

[1]  accessed April 29, 2024

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