
Abortionist: “I See It as a Calling”

Abortionist Who’s Killed 95,000 Babies in Abortions: “I See It as a Calling”
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 7/7/14 11:08 AM

Milwaukee, Wisconsin-based abortionist Dennis Christensen wants to retire but he has a problem. He told himself when he made plans to retire that he would only do so if he could find another abortion practitioner to take over his business.

But he can’t find any physicians willing to make it their job to kill babies in abortions.
If he and his partner Bernard Smith can’t find anyone else to run the ship, his Affiliated Medical Center will close down after 40 years of ending human lives in abortions. And a new law requiring Wisconsin abortionists to have admitting privileges at a local hospital to provide emergency medical care for the many women injured in botched abortions is exacerbating the situation for Christensen.

The Milwaukee newspaper has more on this situation and the potential good news for the pro-life community in the Badger state:

“I have always felt that this is a worthwhile endeavor and a necessary one,” Christensen said. “And there aren’t too many people who will do it.”

Abortion opponents disagree. Supporters of the recent state law think doctors like Christensen should be held to a higher standard if they want to work with patients.

And with a federal judge considering whether the state can require hospital admitting privileges of doctors who provide abortions, Affiliated may soon have to close its doors.

Christensen, who said he has performed 85,000 to 95,000 abortions, believes the harassment and stigmatization he has faced pale in comparison to the gratitude of the women he sees. But for many prospective hires, the harassment is a deterring factor, he said.

“So I see it as a calling, I guess,” Christensen said. “But I’ve been called, I’ve served and now I’d like to call someone else.”

Lyons sees her own long-standing role with her anti-abortion organization in a similar light.

“I definitely think it’s a calling,” Lyons said. “You feel a passion for the people who are negatively impacted by these acts.”
No question, it is a calling of SATAN
Sin duda se trata de una llamada, de una llamada del DIABLOMore
No question, it is a calling of SATAN

Sin duda se trata de una llamada, de una llamada del DIABLO
Prof. Leonard Wessell
This confession of vocation should be taken seriously. It is in the best and worst of us all. Various studies I have seen on Himmler and his quest to annihilate Jews show that he did not have an easy time. Such killing, if he saw it, was hard to handle. He eventually treated the matter as an idealistic, indeed, heroic calling. It was no easy task to fundamentally change normal men in the police into …More
This confession of vocation should be taken seriously. It is in the best and worst of us all. Various studies I have seen on Himmler and his quest to annihilate Jews show that he did not have an easy time. Such killing, if he saw it, was hard to handle. He eventually treated the matter as an idealistic, indeed, heroic calling. It was no easy task to fundamentally change normal men in the police into Gestapo murders. Once a priest said to me (we have all heard it): "If I can get a man to fall on his knees, I will soon have him praying". The principle seems to be: As one does, so will one think. A good pedagogical principle, i.e., effective. The first task facing Himmler was to get his police officiers just to murder one person. Once that "deed" took place, the reflective "vocation" followed and must follow or insantity awaits a normal policeman who ought to enforce, not abbrogate the law. Dr. Bobus is correct in asking just who is calling? This, however, should not let us ovesee the correlative question, namely: Just "who" in us is listenting? It is, alas, human-all.too-human, as Nietzsche once said. I guess it is just plain demonic, but it resides potential in us human beings. So does the mirror image reside there, namely saintliness.
Dr Bobus
No doubt that it is a calling. The question is who is calling.