Uncle Joe

Bishop Paprocki issues a decree of excommunication

That pretty much sums up Bishop Paprocki’s response to a local Catholic woman’s recent attempt to get ordained.

The woman in question is Mary F. Keldermans of Springfield. Bishop Paprocki wrote to her last month asking her to reconsider her plan, but evidently she ignored him and tried to be ordained a priest at a Unitarian church on May 5.

The bishop also issued this statement to his diocese:

Please be advised that Ms. Mary F. Keldermans of Springfield, Illinois, has attempted to be ordained a priest for “Roman Catholic Womenpriests, Inc.” in a ceremony at the Abraham Lincoln Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Springfield on May 5, 2014. As a result, she has incurred an automatic excommunication reserved to the Apostolic See.

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More Bishops need to excommunicate people! 👌
Holy Cannoli
Good for Bishop Paprocki but this excom was an easy call. Keldermans is a nobody and everyone knows that her sponsoring organization, Roman Catholic Womenpriests, Inc are a bunch of loony harpies who should be occuping their 'Golden Years' by knitting socks for their grandchildren.
This is the guy who needs a public excom but don't hold your breath. The most that Catholic bishops in Illinois will …More
Good for Bishop Paprocki but this excom was an easy call. Keldermans is a nobody and everyone knows that her sponsoring organization, Roman Catholic Womenpriests, Inc are a bunch of loony harpies who should be occuping their 'Golden Years' by knitting socks for their grandchildren.

This is the guy who needs a public excom but don't hold your breath. The most that Catholic bishops in Illinois will do is to send the governor a "strong statement."


No guts.

You see, Quinn, the Catholic pro-abortion governor, has got power and can make life difficult for his enemies. Kelderman has no power and so she gets the public excommunication.

That's the way things work in AmChurch.
