World Over - 2014-07-03 -- Full Episode with Raymond Arroyo. KYLE DUNCAN, former lead counsel for Hobby Lobby and the Becket Fund, and MATT BOWMAN, senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defending …More
World Over - 2014-07-03 -- Full Episode with Raymond Arroyo.

KYLE DUNCAN, former lead counsel for Hobby Lobby and the Becket Fund, and MATT BOWMAN, senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, on the important decision handed down this week by the US Supreme Court regarding a religious exemption from the HHS Mandate for Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties. DAVID ALTON, member of the UK House of Lords, and MICHAEL COREN, Canadian TV host, author and syndicated columnist give us their thoughts on the shrinking Christian population in the Middle East and religious persecution abroad in places like North Korea and Africa. PAUL BADDE, journalist and author of The Face of God: The Rediscovery of the True Face of Jesus, on the history of the Holy Face of Manoppello...a relic recently rediscovered and rumored to be the "Veil of Veronica."