Vatican II on religious life. Rev James Korda and Rev Jeffrey Mickler discuss religious life's document from Vatican II with Sr. Mary McCorrmick, OSU.More
Vatican II on religious life.

Rev James Korda and Rev Jeffrey Mickler discuss religious life's document from Vatican II with Sr. Mary McCorrmick, OSU.
Father Mickler here seems to be all over the net giving his many talks...and at the same time he continues offering the modern mass consisting of guitar strumming hootenannies. How pitifully sad.
All priests should be made to offer the traditional Latin Mass. The novus ordo is a proven failure and time is proving this out! With the Summorum Pontificum of Benedict XVI, priests should be offering this Holy Mass of all Catholics. For far too long have the modernist dissenters and lazy uncaring clergy who think of themselves first, been doing such great harm with keeping the Catholic people from …More
All priests should be made to offer the traditional Latin Mass. The novus ordo is a proven failure and time is proving this out! With the Summorum Pontificum of Benedict XVI, priests should be offering this Holy Mass of all Catholics. For far too long have the modernist dissenters and lazy uncaring clergy who think of themselves first, been doing such great harm with keeping the Catholic people from the True Mass of the Saints! They will have to pay a great price for this. Pray for Holy priests and Religious..that Our Lady brings us more! Have to say, that last week a priest that I know (Jesuit from Boston!) emailed me stating that he would be offering his first Latin Mass this past Sunday. He wrote today, saying everything seemed to go well and that with continued practiced he's sure it will get better. See what prayers can do? Thank you Blessed Mother!
I hate to put it frank terms, the Church is in trouble unless it abandons Vatican II and the Novus Ordo. Pope Paul VI at the end realized the grave mistake:
"The smoke of Satan has entered the very sanctuary of St. Peter's basilica."
Of course, the Left is busy trying to re-write history. Claiming that there is no proof that the pope had actually said this. Guess what there is plenty of testimony …More
I hate to put it frank terms, the Church is in trouble unless it abandons Vatican II and the Novus Ordo. Pope Paul VI at the end realized the grave mistake:

"The smoke of Satan has entered the very sanctuary of St. Peter's basilica."

Of course, the Left is busy trying to re-write history. Claiming that there is no proof that the pope had actually said this. Guess what there is plenty of testimony that this was indeed said. I believe he came to this realization a bit late.
What a Treasure the Latin Liturgy is..to bad may clergy don't understand this!
No true "sister" (nun), would have abandon her habit.