
Dishonest Vatican Wants Imposing Vaccinations On Children

“The Vatican considers the Covid vaccination over the age of five advisable,” the [clueless] Pontifical Academy for Life, directed by pro-gay Archbishop Paglia, stated in a declaration entitled “Children and Covid.”

However, this paragraph was removed by the Vatican Secretariat of State on the eve of the document's presentation before Christmas, reports LaNuovaBq.it (December 28).

Nevertheless, following the Vatican's dishonest "all and the contrary of all" strategy, during the document's presentation vaccinating children was promoted.

EdwardPentin.co.uk observes that the Vatican’s vaccination propaganda ignores the grave side effects of Covid vaccines and the fact that vaccination is for children much more dangerous than Covid. Pentin lists 48 children who died after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

Picture: Vincenzo Paglia © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsNuadgcvlfm
DefendTruth shares this
Pentin: “Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life Pushes Child Vaccination Despite Documented Deaths Soon After Jab” -
John A Cassani
Things are starting to shift. Australia is going to compensate for “rare adverse reactions.” The expectation is that Italy will do the same when the jabs are made mandatory. The narrative of “safe and effective” is coming to an end. The plan has always been to get everyone jabbed, and then to admit that the jabs are neither safe, nor effective. The Vatican knows this, and is complicit in these …More
Things are starting to shift. Australia is going to compensate for “rare adverse reactions.” The expectation is that Italy will do the same when the jabs are made mandatory. The narrative of “safe and effective” is coming to an end. The plan has always been to get everyone jabbed, and then to admit that the jabs are neither safe, nor effective. The Vatican knows this, and is complicit in these crimes. We have to make whatever sacrifices we can to prevent people from being coerced into this, and to help those who have been already.
Profitting from experimental drugs developed and tested with aborted babies while damaging small children who managed to make it through the birth canal. The Vatican seems mostly evil these days. The NuChurch isn't Catholic in any meaningful sense.
Wilma Lopez shares this
The Vatican has ignored clear evidence of CovidVaccine adverse side effects. Instead it’s promoting vaccines for children who are not at serious risk from Covid yet are at risk of vaccine injury; mandating vaccines for staff; enforcing green passes with no religious exemption.
If it's evil and totalitarian, chances are these days the Vatican supports it.
Clueless and dishonest are too kind - this man and the bosses who are directing this murder of the innocents is pure evil.
Follow the good honest scientists and they dont inject your chidren with this experimental gene therapy that is criminal
Jesus is our Saviour follow him we are winning
Mad butchers!
atreverse pensar
Pagli, what have you done on the cathedral mural as a bishop?
Know what this man has done and does.
No wonder Archbishop Lefebvre consecrated Bishops!
De Profundis
Archbishop of Aparecida ‘ask Jesus for help’ to vaccinate children against Covid-19: