Ludovic Denim
« Maybe if Europe is Turkish, there will be order there » Russian propagandist Solovyov and his geopolitical belief There are peoples in the West that believe that they should be for Russia because …More
« Maybe if Europe is Turkish, there will be order there »
Russian propagandist Solovyov and his geopolitical belief

There are peoples in the West that believe that they should be for Russia because the West is for Ukraine. They do exactly the same mistake than Algeria that didn’t choose to set up a capitalist economy because it was the model of its former colonizer and chose instead communism. They became poor and could then blame others… Same here with the subversion in this war. Both leaders of Russia and Ukraine are in favor of a certain community. But Russian leader makes believe that he would like to defend the morality and some Christian values. It’s just fake as the number of mosques increased by 7 500 since he’s president. Like the West, after conquering Marioupol he made come many migrants so that it’s no more homogeneous allowing even the building of a mosque… Russian peoples are cheated on as their nation is becoming more and more multicultural while Ukraine too given that Russia along with the West are destroying it. It’s clearly the goal and these peoples have a huge hatred for our peoples as they have for Christ.