
A binding prayer for President Trump

I ask all my Christian friends to please join us in this prayer! And please share and post on your wall!
In the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of His cross and blood, we bind the spirits, powers and forces of the earth, the underground, the air, the water, the fire, the netherworld and the satanic forces of nature.
We rebuke any curses, hexes or spells sent against President Trump, the Republican Party and his campaign and send them directly to Jesus for Him to deal with as He will. Lord, we ask You to bless our enemies by sending your Holy Spirit to lead them to repentance. We bind all interplay, interaction and communication of evil spirits. We bind any maleficence, cheating, lying and wrong doing by those who wish to steal the election.
We claim the protection of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ over President Trump and the Republican Party for the integrity of this election. Thank You for Your protection, Lord. Amen!
the evil forces are all lined up to change and control the USA ,and the wolrd ,we have to resit reject refuse ,it ,Stand Up for TRuth and God
Alex A
Well may it be said,"God Bless America," for she will be sorely in need of all the prayers possible should Joe Biden be declared President.
He won’t be
Alex A
@Chosen Emanuela Callaghan Like your confidence! Wondering though whether that will be God’s plan for the USA? Maybe it will be.
motorlen shares this
Prayer to President trump
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+ Amen
F M Shyanguya
None is panicking. I am confident Trump will win. Doesn’t mean we stop praying....
F M Shyanguya
Clarified my comment above.
Ooh got it. It was a link:) Well I know for a fact Trump will win
If you think the US election results are complicated, don’t try to understand the new European Coronavirus rules, especially the new Italian regional lockdown procedures.
Yep my folks live there. I know all about it
Alex A
@Chosen Emanuela Callaghan No disrespect to your self, or your folks, but isn't Callaghan an Irish name? Just curious!
Haha totally😂 you’re funny. That is my married name. My hubby is American
Alex A
@Chosen Emanuela Callaghan Makes good sense to me. Thanks for the correction of my oversight. It's still a good Irish name to have. Ancestral names is an interest of mine, especially Irish surnames having spent a number of years living in Ireland and immersing myself in its culture.
That is hillarious 😂😂
literally true.
This indicates that 138k Biden votes seemed to have been added at one go....
This indicates that 138k Biden votes seemed to have been added at one go....