Francis Appoints 3 Pro-Gay Prelates to Vatican Doctrinal Office

Francis Appoints 3 Pro-Gay Prelates to Vatican Doctrinal Office

Pope Francis appointed three prelates, known for their support for homosexuality, to the Vatican’s doctrinal office Saturday, just as LGBT …
Wink, wink. Homo takeover is almost complete.
The Wandering Recluse
Any doubts the Catholic press might be satanic?

Is now the time for LGBTQ priests and religious to come out?

(NCR illustration/Unsplash/S. Turby, Katie) Have we reached a moment when it's time for the many LGBTQ bishops, priests, deacons, brothers …
Homo church is not the Catholic Church.
As we close out this First Saturday weekend in June, let us remember that Our Lady has YET to be obeyed in the requests that She made to the children at Fatima - and this is WHY we are in the current …More
As we close out this First Saturday weekend in June, let us remember that Our Lady has YET to be obeyed in the requests that She made to the children at Fatima - and this is WHY we are in the current state of collapse in the Church that we are in - which has impacted the whole world, because the "salt" has lost its savor. Specifically, the full contents of the 3rd Secret of Fatima have yet to be revealed as Our Lady requested. Neither has Russia been consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as She has requested. We are living through the consequences of this failure to obey Her. Let us double up on our prayer of the Rosary - adding fasting and penance of some kind to our daily routine - asking Our Lord to give us a holy Pope who will obey Our Lady. Let us also keep telling our family, friends, and fellow Catholics about Fatima and Our Lady's requests -- along with giving them the probable contents of the 3rd Secret based upon the testimony of those who have read or been party to the …More
Mary 17 shares from HP Y GC
THE LARGEST SACRED HEART FLAG IN THE WORLD! June - Most Sacred Heart of Jesus FlagMore
June - Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Flag

Abuse Allegations: A FSSPX Priest Arrested

Father Jean-Luc Radier, 64, of the Society of Pius X, was arrested on 28 May in Mulhouse, France. He is accused of raping a male minor aged between 9 and 12 in a FSSPX school in Moselle in the 1990s. …More
Father Jean-Luc Radier, 64, of the Society of Pius X, was arrested on 28 May in Mulhouse, France.
He is accused of raping a male minor aged between 9 and 12 in a FSSPX school in Moselle in the 1990s.
The accuser says there are many more accusers who say that Radier came to the boys' dormitory almost every night to commit his crimes.
After 48 hours in police custody, Radier was charged with rape, released and placed under judicial supervision with an obligation to report to the police once a month.
Pending the outcome of the investigation, Radier has been banned from having contact with minors. During a search of his home, the public prosecutor's office took hard disks, which has yet to be examined.
Another case of sexual abuse among FSSPX priests is that of Father Arnaud Rostand, who admitted in court two months ago to having abused several minors. A year ago, Father Pierre de Maillard was convicted of abusing 27 minors. Father Matthew Stafki was sentenced to prison for abusing his 6-…More
sp2 . .
To be fare about this, every organization has bad apples, including the Franciscans and I won't even mention the Carmelites or others. However it just …More
To be fare about this, every organization has bad apples, including the Franciscans and I won't even mention the Carmelites or others. However it just appears that the Novus Ordo has the upper hand in this.
The point is, how do the various organizations handle them bad apples. Do they cover it up, hide it, or root it out.
Children do not tell their parents. They are ashamed, embarrassed, don't think their parents will believe them, will blame them and so on.
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Partial -Birth abortion IIustrated Video The Crime of Crimes Pro-Life Anti -abortion FilmMore
Partial -Birth
abortion IIustrated
Video The Crime of Crimes
Pro-Life Anti -abortion Film
chris griffin
The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance; He will wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. Psalm 58:10
Murder is murder. Abortion is the highest ritual of satan worshippers, and every Planned Parenthood has a coven and satanic priest attached to it. Look …More
Murder is murder. Abortion is the highest ritual of satan worshippers, and every Planned Parenthood has a coven and satanic priest attached to it. Look up Zachary King.
One more comment
Baying Beagle Scares Alligator Away || ViralHog A baying beagle scares an alligator away. Occurred on April 18, 2024 / Land O' Lakes, Florida, USA "This was the second day in a row seeing the alligator …More
Baying Beagle Scares Alligator Away || ViralHog
A baying beagle scares an alligator away.
Occurred on April 18, 2024 / Land O' Lakes, Florida, USA
"This was the second day in a row seeing the alligator coming to our backyard."
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Good boy
....The most dangerous option for the faithful, is the one that misleads them . They criticize almost everything that today’s modernist church represents, and at the end they add that you must listen …More
....The most dangerous option for the faithful, is the one that misleads them . They criticize almost everything that today’s modernist church represents, and at the end they add that you must listen to the Pope, however. They show that it is evil, but you have to listen to him, otherwise you are outside the church. This is truly satanic perversity. A complete lack of logic and a denial that our Lord Jesus Christ is the absolute truth, not a little truth and a little lie. What the Vatican now represents is one big denial of Christianity, so they no longer deceive , but openly represent the synagogue of Satan.
Freemasonry is by definition an enemy of the Catholic Church and this too is a fact that cannot be disputed. All popes of recent years are praised by the Masonic bed , the creator of the new mass was a Freemason. These are also facts. So how can you reconcile these two facts ?
What can the arch-enemies of the Church praise its administration for ? Only for one thing – for actions …More

Stupidity does not excuse sin!

There are certain principles that guide this world. Let’s start with a truth that everyone has forgotten. God created the world, so all the laws governing it must be in …
Livinus Ugwu shares from Tom Jones
ARCHBISHOP FULTON SHEEN on the Church's crisis circle !
From fifty years ago.

Spain: Raping Children Okay When Gypsies Do It

Because leftists reject God, they have no absolute standard of right and wrong. They have only relativism, which dictates that even the most atrocious …
Francis imparting the Benediction of the Sanctissimum, moments ago on the steps of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, at the conclusion of the celebrations this evening for the Solemnity of Corpus …More
Francis imparting the Benediction of the Sanctissimum, moments ago on the steps of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, at the conclusion of the celebrations this evening for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi
Alejandrina Reyes
Horrible so quick as of it was burning his hands . Bare Hands ! Why?!?
The Wandering Recluse
I think the whole idea is to used the humeral veil placed around his shoulder to hold the monstrance with (as did the priest that handed it to him) …More
I think the whole idea is to used the humeral veil placed around his shoulder to hold the monstrance with (as did the priest that handed it to him) instead of his bare hands. You would think a pope would know this..
Pierre Henri
How Ukraine is turned into a Death Camp for its own People A cry of distress from Ukraine: men are torn from their cars, brutally forced to the front, abused in recruitment centers. Tens of thousands …More
How Ukraine is turned into a Death Camp for its own People
A cry of distress from Ukraine: men are torn from their cars, brutally forced to the front, abused in recruitment centers. Tens of thousands are trying to escape. Daily, the bodies of drowned men are pulled out of a bordering river. Meanwhile, President Selensky complains about a lack of morale and that there are not enough men at the front.
A new law to tighten mobilization (May 18, 2024) is intended to „remedy“ the situation. What the US is „benevolently“ supporting with new weapons packages is in reality a gigantic crime – or, as the Ukrainian foreign minister macabrely but unambiguously puts it: „They provide the weapons, we provide the people.“

How Ukraine is turned into a Death Camp for its own People

body content to be replaced body content to be replaced body content to be replaced Child mortality in countries like Japan where there are no …
Father Karl A Claver
The United States is responsible for the mess in Ukraine. We opposed the Russian friendly president, and let the present clown take over.
Half of Americans Think Trump's Guilty Verdict Was Correct, Should End Campaign: POLL Half of Americans think Trump's guilty verdict was correct, should end campaign: POLL ( Stay tuned for …More
Half of Americans Think Trump's Guilty Verdict Was Correct, Should End Campaign: POLL
Half of Americans think Trump's guilty verdict was correct, should end campaign: POLL (
Stay tuned for comprehensive coverage and analysis under the tags #TrumpGuilty,
U S Spacy shares from silvioabcd
We're 19 And Conjoined Twins - But Happy To Be Together | BORN DIFFERENT SUBSCRIBE to Truly: Sohna and Mohna are fundraising for their future here: Help 19-year-old conjoined twins …More
We're 19 And Conjoined Twins - But Happy To Be Together | BORN DIFFERENT
Sohna and Mohna are fundraising for their future here: Help 19-year-old conjoined twins Sohna and Mohna Singh from India.
CONJOINED twins Sohna and Mohna want to inspire others. The 19-year-old twins from Punjab, India, are conjoined at the torso and share a gallbladder, spleen and pair of legs. Growing up at the Pingalwara Society in Amritsar, India, the twins learnt how to coordinate together and have recently secured jobs as electricians - a field they have always been interested in. Doctors told the twins that separation would lead to one of them not surviving and so the twins have decided to live life to the fullest together. Sohna and Mohna said: “Our message to the world is that we are happy together. We want people to learn from us, be inspired by us because we live our lives how we want despite being conjoined.”
Follow Sohna and Mohna here:…More
All-Ireland Rosary Rally Brings Faithful Together at Knock Shrine SWNews The All-Ireland Rosary Rally was held on Saturday, 1st June at Knock Shrine, County Mayo, featuring Mother Adela Galindo as the …More
All-Ireland Rosary Rally Brings Faithful Together at Knock Shrine SWNews
The All-Ireland Rosary Rally was held on Saturday, 1st June at Knock Shrine, County Mayo, featuring Mother Adela Galindo as the keynote speaker. Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan presided over the Holy Mass, and the day included the Stations of the Cross and the Rosary Procession. This rally has been an annual event at Knock for over thirty years
Imagine if that crowd prayed the Rosary DAILY...


Father Karl A Claver
What has happened to these former great Catholic nations is disgusting., and the blame falls on the Church.
From The Remnant: KICKING BUTTKER: Traditional Catholicism Goes Viral

KICKING BUTTKER: Traditional Catholicism Goes Viral

KICKING BUTTKER: Traditional Catholicism Goes Viral In this episode of the Remnant Underground, Michael Matt juxtaposes the signs of the times – both …
The Solemnity of Corpus Christi Ordinary Form Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 6-2-2024 Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul You can also find Fr. …More
The Solemnity of Corpus Christi
Ordinary Form Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 6-2-2024
Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul
You can also find Fr. Robert Altier’s homilies and talks on:
Gab: Catholic Parents OnLine (@CatholicParentsOnLine
Gettr: Catholic Parents OnLine on GETTR
Gloria.TV: @Catholic Parents OnLine
Rumble: CatholicParentsOnLine Spiritustv: Catholic Parents OnLine | SpiritusTV Twitter: For access to a library of talks by Fr. Robert Altier go to: CPO Premium Streaming Media To order Fr. Altier's book, "God's Plan for Your Marriage" go to the website: God's Plan For Your Marriage Book – God's Plan For Your Marriage Book An Exploration of Holy Matrimony from Genesis to the Wedding of the Lamb by Father Robert Altier.
Catechism in Pictures-63 The full book in PDF with all texts transcribed by keyboard was released on November 26. To download it, see the article: Catechism in Pictures (1938 edition)More
Catechism in Pictures-63
The full book in PDF with all texts transcribed by keyboard was released on November 26. To download it, see the article: Catechism in Pictures (1938 edition)
Claudius Cartapus
THE VIRTUES. THE CARDINAL VIRTUES 1. The moral virtues are so called because they are of direct service to us in regulating our morals and shaping our …More
1. The moral virtues are so called because they are of direct service to us in regulating our morals and shaping our conduct.
2. The principal moral virtues are the four cardinal virtues, so named because upon them hinge all the other moral virtues They are Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance (Wis. VIII, 7)
3. They had seen recognized and taught by the pagan philosophers of antiquity, but as purely natural virtues. Christianity having supernaturalised them and strengthened them in us through grace, they now have a higher aim.
4. Prudence as a supernatural virtue illuminates the understanding and enables us to choose the surest means for working out our salvation.
Justice. 5. Justice is as a supernatural virtue leads us to render to God and to our fellow-man what is their due. It directs aright our feelings and actions towards our neighbour and makes us humble and diffident in regard to ourselves, just what absolute justice requires of …More
Claudius Cartapus
Catechism in Pictures-63 The full book in PDF with all texts transcribed by keyboard was released on November 26. To download it, see the article: …More
Catechism in Pictures-63
The full book in PDF with all texts transcribed by keyboard was released on November 26. To download it, see the article: Catechism in Pictures (1938 edition)

Adoro Te Devote: Solemnity of Corpus Christi

From the Recognizing the Authority of the Son of God What sensible person will not admit that we are not atheists, since we worship the Creator of this world …