Giovanni A. Cattaneo
Giovanni A. Cattaneo

New Pope must save Church from waning influence: Cardinal

My dear Cardinal as long as VII is implemented and interpreted the way it is today without a formal correction and depending on the good will of modernist Bishops as it has for the last 50 years it doesn't matter who is Pope, the Church's influence will continue to decline.
I wish they understood this but I doubt it.More
My dear Cardinal as long as VII is implemented and interpreted the way it is today without a formal correction and depending on the good will of modernist Bishops as it has for the last 50 years it doesn't matter who is Pope, the Church's influence will continue to decline.

I wish they understood this but I doubt it.
Giovanni A. Cattaneo

Words fail us: Priests respond to the new Missal a year later

I agree with should unburden these men of these translations and go back to Latin. Now in the sacred language of the Western Church I am sure these priests will relish to sense perfect flow and rhythm that its obviously missing in the English language.
I say let them have this wish and make it Latin for everybody.More
I agree with should unburden these men of these translations and go back to Latin. Now in the sacred language of the Western Church I am sure these priests will relish to sense perfect flow and rhythm that its obviously missing in the English language.

I say let them have this wish and make it Latin for everybody.
Giovanni A. Cattaneo

Cardinal says spirit of Vatican II has been betrayed

Well may be it time to suppress the council and move on.
Giovanni A. Cattaneo

Vatican slams anti-Muslim provocations, cites pope's positive example in Lebanon

Vatican press office should be ashamed they still don't get it or understand what is going on with the Muhammadan invasion and their war on the west.
I wonder if it will be too late by the time they wake up.More
Vatican press office should be ashamed they still don't get it or understand what is going on with the Muhammadan invasion and their war on the west.

I wonder if it will be too late by the time they wake up.
Giovanni A. Cattaneo

Cardinal Dolan Says Events In Libya, Egypt Show Urgent Need For Respect For All Religions

False ecumenism continuous and its a shame that people in the Church fall for the Muhammadans' tricks.
Giovanni A. Cattaneo

Notre Dame’s Fr. Jenkins Promises “A Fresh Look” at LGBT Issues

Where is this priest's Bishop???
Giovanni A. Cattaneo

Milwaukee to close, consolidate over 100 parishes

The new Springtime is hitting Milwaukee the fruits of the council are now just beginning to ripen and ready to harvest.
Giovanni A. Cattaneo

Cardinal Carlo Martini says Church '200 years behind'

Yeah because doing all those things have worked out so well for church of Tudor err... England.
Giovanni A. Cattaneo

Ratzinger, Vatican II and the summer of 1962

Ben Martin you sound like a protestant. A certain Martin Luther would rejoice in the words written below.
Giovanni A. Cattaneo

That's Very Nice (8/20/2012) ChurchMilitantTV: Sometimes.. one little expression says it all .. so …

I think I have attended this very nice Parish.
Giovanni A. Cattaneo

Nuns should wear the habit

Add to that all Priest should wear their Cassock enough of the protestant suits.
Giovanni A. Cattaneo

Were the Jesuits as Funny as You Thought?

So this is what the company of Jesus does for living now a days. No wonder their seminaries are filled to the brim.
Giovanni A. Cattaneo

Kindermesse am Gründonnerstag. Pfarre Hartberg in der Diözese Graz

For hundreds of years the protestants made fun of Catholics calling the Blessed Sacrament a "god cookie" it seems some in the Church have finally accepted the premise.
Sacrilege utter sacrilege.More
For hundreds of years the protestants made fun of Catholics calling the Blessed Sacrament a "god cookie" it seems some in the Church have finally accepted the premise.

Sacrilege utter sacrilege.
Giovanni A. Cattaneo

More Than 1,000 Mexicans Leave Catholic Church Daily, Expert Says

The fruits of "the council" are ripe for the picking. However according to some "there is no crisis."
Giovanni A. Cattaneo

Cardinal George Apologizes to Gays

During the Roman persecution of the Church, the Christian faithful and specially its clerics were persecuted with ruthless efficiency and made to face Lions and other beasts in the Colosseum for the entertainment of the masses. These brave Martyrs and Saints gave their lives for Christ. As they would much rather face and experience death than to give in and call Truth a lie and worship at the altar …More
During the Roman persecution of the Church, the Christian faithful and specially its clerics were persecuted with ruthless efficiency and made to face Lions and other beasts in the Colosseum for the entertainment of the masses. These brave Martyrs and Saints gave their lives for Christ. As they would much rather face and experience death than to give in and call Truth a lie and worship at the altar of false gods.

During the current persecution of the Church only need a sinner be offended to be called what he does a sin in order for the Church's shepherds to kneel before the altar of public opinion and forsake their sacred vows to the One True God. Let us of course not forget the Fledger affair in which Card. George once again submitted to public opposition. Thus another prince of the Church fails his calling.

JPII use to talk about the "new Springtime" and the fruits of the Council. Yeah I see them.