
Drastic increase in murders of religious, missionaries in 2013

Rome, Italy, Jan 8, 2014 / 01:18 pm (CNA).- The Church throughout the world has expereince increased violence in the past year, according to a recent global report on the murders of priests, religious …More
Rome, Italy, Jan 8, 2014 / 01:18 pm (CNA).- The Church throughout the world has expereince increased violence in the past year, according to a recent global report on the murders of priests, religious and lay faithful.
Data published by the Fides news agency recorded 22 assassinations in 2013, up from 13 in 2012.
Most of the victims were killed during robbery attempts, and in some cases the attacks were ferocious.
Among the victims were 19 priests, one religious sister and two laymen who died violently. For the fifth consecutive year, Latin America was the area where most assassinations of this type took place.
Seven priests died in Colombia; four in Mexico; one in Brazil; one in Venezuela; one in Panama; and one in Haiti.
In Africa, one priest was killed in Tanzania, one religious sister in Madagascar and one laywoman in Nigeria. In Asia, one priest was killed in India, one in Syria and one layman in the Philippines. In Europe, one priest was killed in Italy.
Fides noted that the list …More

Evander Holyfield: Being Gay Is Like a Handicap

Perhaps Evander Holyfield can follow up his current run on “Celebrity Big Brother” with a stint on “Duck Dynasty.” The retired boxer is catching heat after making anti-gay statements on the UK version …More
Perhaps Evander Holyfield can follow up his current run on “Celebrity Big Brother” with a stint on “Duck Dynasty.”
The retired boxer is catching heat after making anti-gay statements on the UK version of the reality show, likening homosexuality to a handicap that can be fixed with medical treatment.
Holyfield also claimed that being gay is “a choice” that “ain’t normal.”
The comments came as Holyfield debated the matter of homosexuality with housemate Luisa Zissman, TMZ reports.
“If you were born and your leg would turn this way, what would you do? You’d go to the doctor and get it fixed back right,” Holyfield theorized. “You can’t say that because they were born that way, you can’t move that.”
Holyfield was scolded by the show’s producers after the exchange.
“[E]xpressing these views will be extremely offensive to a many people,” Holyfield was told.
Holyfield replied that he was “telling her my opinion.”

Mystery Illness Leaves Boy Unable to Blink

At just 3 years old, Corbin Durant has been in and out of the hospital more times than his mother can count. He was born with heart defects, including a heart valve problem, but that is just the first …More
At just 3 years old, Corbin Durant has been in and out of the hospital more times than his mother can count.
He was born with heart defects, including a heart valve problem, but that is just the first in a host of ailments. He has low muscle tone and nerve damage, which means he sometimes moves awkwardly.
He face is partially paralyzed, resulting in an inability to blink and eyelids that looks slightly closed most of the time.
Most troublingly, it appears that his cerebellum is shrinking and after years of tests his doctors still don’t know why, according to his mother Natasha Durant.
Cerebellum shrinking "can cause a lot of problems. It may be responsible for nerve degeneration. It may also cause problems with motor function and speech,” Durant told
His doctors told Durant that they believe a genetic abnormality is most likely the cause of Corbin’s symptoms, however, multiple tests looking for different genetic disorders have come back negative and a diagnosis remains …More

TESTING THE FLOCK (From Father Odon's Blog)

Pope Benedict gave us four steps leading to Eternal Life. The equivalent to these four steps are the four steps taught to us in the Liturgical Calendar, namely, Repentance, Faith, Hope and Charity. The …More
Pope Benedict gave us four steps leading to Eternal Life. The equivalent to these four steps are the four steps taught to us in the Liturgical Calendar, namely, Repentance, Faith, Hope and Charity. The last three are supernatural virtues that cannot be understood by men without the gift of Faith. They cannot be acquired by mere human means. They are supernatural gifts given by God.
A natural man can never understand the act of a man of Faith....and all the more will he not understand the act of a man with the virtues of Hope and Charity. But a man of Faith knows he must continue to go forward to the virtues of Hope and Charity. That is the normal path for one seeking salvation. The superior acts benefits the soul and the Church as a whole.
When some disciples approached St. Peter, the first Pope, complaining that the Greek widows were not well attended to, Peter replied that such works should be done by deacons who are filled with the Holy Spirit, i.e. man with Faith. That he, Peter must …More


THE IMAGE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE LITURGY Because Pope Benedict is one of the most intelligent and the clearest presenter of Catholic truths among recent Popes, it is good for us to study what he …More
Because Pope Benedict is one of the most intelligent and the clearest presenter of Catholic truths among recent Popes, it is good for us to study what he had taught during his Pontificate.
The first step the Holy Father gave us that leads to eternal life is CONVERSION, a topic that was sadly excluded from the Lineamenta sent to the Bishops for the Bishop's Synod in Rome. The topic which Pope Benedict considered as the crucial and most important topic, though mentioned in passing in Proposal 22 was not well explained. Because of this neglect, the Holy Father repeated the need to emphasize 'conversion' immediately after the Synod.
This is the reason why we,too, have emphasized it in these posts. 'Conversion' is the very 'Act of Faith.' No conversion, no Act of Faith. Faith, on the other hand, is the door into the Kingdom of God or the Catholic Church. It is the virtue that makes us Catholics. And Faith perfected by Charity is what makes us …More
POPE'S VOICEMAIL FOR NUNS. Listen to pontiff's voicemail for nuns too busy to answer phoneMore
Listen to pontiff's voicemail for nuns too busy to answer phone
"Jestem papież Franciszek, pragnę pozdrowić was w tym roku ...zobaczę, czy mogę zadzwonić później. Niech Bóg wam błogosławi!" 👍 😁 😀More
"Jestem papież Franciszek, pragnę pozdrowić was w tym roku
...zobaczę, czy mogę zadzwonić później. Niech Bóg wam błogosławi!"

👍 😁 😀

''Just Pope Francis here - I'll call back later''

The pontiff was left speaking to an answering machine because a group of Spanish nuns were too busy praying and couldn't come to the phone The Pope tried to call a group of Spanish nuns to wish them …More
The pontiff was left speaking to an answering machine because a group of Spanish nuns were too busy praying and couldn't come to the phone
The Pope tried to call a group of Spanish nuns to wish them a happy New Year - but they were out so he had to leave a message on their answering machine.
Pope Francis was trying to contact the Barefoot Carmelite nuns from Luceana in southern Spain, but they were busy with their midday prayers, and didn't hear the phone.
In his voicemail, the pontiff chuckled "What can the nuns be doing that stops them answering the phone?"
"This is Pope Francis,"
he continued. "I wanted to give you New Year's greetings. Maybe I'll try to call again later. May God bless you."
A recording of the voicemail was obtained by Spain' El Mundo newspaper, and was broadcast on Italian radio over the weekend.
Sister Adrianna, the prioress of the convent, told a local radio station she was mortified when she eventually found the message.
"When my duties allowed me to go to the …More
Hey is Francis...wait! I gotta call you back cause a Franciscan just celebrated a latin mass.
It's a show. That's all folks. 😎More
It's a show.
That's all folks.
3 more comments

Pope Francis: Priests can become 'little monsters'

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis has warned that priests can become "little monsters" if they aren't trained properly as seminarians, saying their time studying must be used to mold their hearts as …More
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis has warned that priests can become "little monsters" if they aren't trained properly as seminarians, saying their time studying must be used to mold their hearts as well as their minds.
Francis also warned against accepting men for the priesthood who may have been implicated in sexual abuse or other problems, saying the protection of the Catholic faithful is most important.
The pontiff made the comments Nov. 29 during a closed-door meeting of 120 superiors of religious orders who gathered at the Vatican for their regular assembly. On Friday, the Jesuit journal La Civilta Cattolica provided a report of the three-hour, informal question and answer session. The Vatican never provided a transcript of the meeting.
The magazine, which interviewed Francis last year, quoted the first Jesuit pope as telling the superiors he wants them to "wake up the world" with their work, particularly with the poor.
"Truly to understand reality we need to move away from the …More

Pope encouraged Malta bishop to speak out against gay adoption bill

Rome, Italy, Jan 3, 2014 / 02:35 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis was “shocked” by a bill in Malta that would allow gay couples to adopt children, said a bishop from the small island nation, adding …More
Rome, Italy, Jan 3, 2014 / 02:35 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis was “shocked” by a bill in Malta that would allow gay couples to adopt children, said a bishop from the small island nation, adding that the Holy Father had encouraged him to speak up on the issue.
“We discussed many aspects...and when I raised the issue that’s worrying me as a bishop [the same-sex adoption bill] he encouraged me to speak out,” Auxiliary Bishop Charles Scicluna told The Sunday Times of Malta.
The bishop spoke about the importance of strong families in his Christmas homily. His concerns come after lawmakers in Malta introduced a bill to allow same-sex civil unions and adoption of children.
Reports of the Pope’s words to Bishop Scicluna led to surprise and criticism from some media commenters, with Damian Thompson, blog editor of The Telegraph, questioning whether Time Magazine would “take back its Person of the Year award” from the Holy Father.
Some commenters and media outlets have portrayed the Pope as …More

Beloved Catholic priest found slain in California church rectory

A beloved Roman Catholic priest was found dead Wednesday in his church's rectory, spurring police to launch a murder investigation and those he touched to try to make sense of his sudden passing. Eureka …More
A beloved Roman Catholic priest was found dead Wednesday in his church's rectory, spurring police to launch a murder investigation and those he touched to try to make sense of his sudden passing.
Eureka, California, Police Chief Andy Mills said officers -- responding to a call from staff at St. Bernard Church -- first came across the victim around 9 a.m. Wednesday. He did not elaborate on how the death occurred, adding Wednesday night that there were no suspects.
Mayor Frank Jager identified the victim as the Rev. Eric Freed, whom he called a personal friend and a "tremendous person in this community" since his arrival three years ago. The St. Bernard Parish website featured a cross and the words, "Rest in Peace," above Freed's name.
"He was a really, genuinely warm individual," said professor Stephen Cunha, the chairman of Humboldt University's religious studies department where Freed taught for more than 10 years. "... Kind is the word that comes to mind, sensitive."
California priest …More
Calamities and Chastisements. God is punishing the Philippines, because we (the people of the Philippines) who are mostly Catholic are losing our morality. What morality are the Philippines losing? A …More
Calamities and Chastisements.
God is punishing the Philippines, because we (the people of the Philippines) who are mostly Catholic are losing our morality.
What morality are the Philippines losing?
A lot, with emphasis on the RH Bill.
The Philippines is being Struck with a lot of natural calamities in the past few months.
Calamities like:
Typhoon Santi
The Bohol Earthquake and Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)
Facts about Caryana. The Lay Monastic Community of Caryana.More
Facts about Caryana.
The Lay Monastic Community of Caryana.
👍 😡 🧐 🤨
One more comment
Believe it or not..... The End is Near!!!!More
Believe it or not.....
The End is Near!!!!
excellent video! the background pictures are very fitting for the theme at the same time terrifying. 🤒
Who Are the True Catholics.....? Brother Timoteo's description of a true Catholic.More
Who Are the True Catholics.....?
Brother Timoteo's description of a true Catholic.
it seems being a true catholic requires a lot of our time and effort and should not be taken lightly. 🤦
“He that loveth little prayeth little, he that loveth much prayeth much.” St Augustine of HippoMore
“He that loveth little prayeth little,
he that loveth much prayeth much.”

St Augustine of Hippo