
St. Thomas Becket Catholic Church - SSPX

Have you forgotten that the mass was forced out of existence by the "springtime" back in the 70s? You ask these people to come fight for the renewal in your own churches because they have kept the truth that was almost lost. Yet you have the nerve to call them separate or schismatic. There really is more to this than you realize. You would not even have the traditional mass if it were not for the …More
Have you forgotten that the mass was forced out of existence by the "springtime" back in the 70s? You ask these people to come fight for the renewal in your own churches because they have kept the truth that was almost lost. Yet you have the nerve to call them separate or schismatic. There really is more to this than you realize. You would not even have the traditional mass if it were not for the few brave who have kept the truth because they do love the church and the Pope.

Gloria TV News on the Feast of Venerable Solanus Casey

Do you think the anchor women could have worn a tighter shirt? Not unless she painted one on. I expect this from secular sources, not a Catholic website. It goes to show the Lack of prudence and graces in the faithful catholic of these modern times. May the Lord forgive us.!

America's Choice 2008 Please Note: This video is designed especially for undecided Christian voters.…

Everyone needs to see this. Even if you are certain on what side you stand. It strengthens the right choice and shames the liars. 😇