
Another Bishop "excommunicates" faithful who go to SSPX Masses - now in Argentina!

After the Pope's close friend and secretary of his Papal Council of Nine Cardinals did this days ago, now another Bishop threatens with "excommunication" the faithful who go to masses of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX).

Where? In Argentina...

In all honesty, Bishop Sarlinga is considered a "conservative"*, closely linked to Opus Dei (though not a member), and for that reason was widely regarded in the Argentinian Church as someone deeply despised by the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires, of whom he was considered an "ideological" adversary.

His letter is much longer, but with the same references to the Letters of Benedict XVI following the removal of excommunications, so we translate below just the relevant conclusion.

Óscar Domingo Sarlinga
by the Grace of God and of the Apostolic See
Bishop of Zárate-Campana

Diocesan Decree 27/14

By way of the present letter, I declare:

- The priests of the "Society of Saint Pius X" must not celebrate in churches, oratories, and other places of Catholic worship in our diocese of Zárate-Campana. It is not licit to them, either, to offer or dispense to Catholic faithful the celebration of the other sacraments, including reconciliation (Cf. C[anon] 966) and the celebration of marriages (cf. C. 1108), of which the latter would additionally be invalid, by the reason of their not having the faculties that are required.

-It is not licit for the Catholic faithful to take part in the celebration of Mass in these conditions, neither to request nor to receive sacraments from the priests of the aforementioned "Society of Saint Pius X", including in private places turned into places of worship, without excluding, in case of obstinacy, also the ferendae sententiae penalties that may apply, according to the ecclesial spirit and that of protection of the faithful.

- In the case of the rupture of ecclesiastical communion by the above-mentioned founded motives, in order to be later readmitted to the Catholic Church, a personal path of reconciliation (and eventually of removal of the canonical censure) will be required, according to the discipline advised by the Holy See and the [diocese's] own, established by the diocesan bishop.

I express the sincere and ardent desire that we let ourselves be enlightened by the Holy Spirit "so that the world may believe" (cf. Jn 17:21) and so that dialogue in Truth and Love may arise again, and that "the charity of Christ that compels us" may come first, as Saint Paul the Apostle taught us, due to which I beg the powerful help of the Virgin Mother of God, Mother of the Church.

Let it be made public and archived.
Given in Campana, Episcopal See, on the 3rd November 2014.

+ Óscar Sarlinga
-By order of the His Excellency-
[Fr.] Guillermo Eduardo Díaz
Secretary Chancellor

link to Rorate Caeli
Ben Martin
Lets pray that Novus Ordo Hierarchy becomes Catholic and publically profess the truth faith and give up their heretical error and return to Mother Church and publically proclaims their errors as being wrong.
Let's pray that this rift is healed. Rifts like this divert energy from the core mission: spreading the Good News of Christ's message through prayers and deeds.
Ben Martin
We are trying to have unity here with all our fellow heretics ---SSPX is stuck in there ways trying to act and be Catholic---what is wrong with them.
I truly hope that Francis and group can reconcile with Christ and the Catholic Church and become Catholic again.More
We are trying to have unity here with all our fellow heretics ---SSPX is stuck in there ways trying to act and be Catholic---what is wrong with them.

I truly hope that Francis and group can reconcile with Christ and the Catholic Church and become Catholic again.
On Guard
There is no way they/he can excommunicate anyone from the Holy Roman Catholic Church because he goes to an SSPX Mass. Pope Benedict XVI has already taken care of that and it is CATHOLIC to attend their Masses. If anyone should be excommunicated it should be Novus Ordo followers for they are the ones who have strayed from the Catholic Church's Teaching and Tradition.
Study the Church...Before and …More
There is no way they/he can excommunicate anyone from the Holy Roman Catholic Church because he goes to an SSPX Mass. Pope Benedict XVI has already taken care of that and it is CATHOLIC to attend their Masses. If anyone should be excommunicated it should be Novus Ordo followers for they are the ones who have strayed from the Catholic Church's Teaching and Tradition.
Study the Church...Before and After Vatican II. Your answer is obvious.
This is a diversion tactic by Modernist Rome. Let's get these 'RadTrads' (SSPX) so that the spotlight is off our recent Synod. There is no grounds for excommunication because as stated by some contributors to this blog the SSPX is more faithful to the Sacred Tradition than any order in the Catholic Church. Seek out an SSPX parish and be assured that you are receiving the sacraments undefiled.
Dr Bobus
NB: The secretary of the Pope's advisory council is not a close friend. The pope is a Jesuit, and Jesuits are trained not to have friends.
I truly hope SSPX will be able reconcile with the Catholic Church
Dr Bobus
No surprise. The neo-cons are the biggest enemies of the TLM.
And it's interesting that the bishop invokes Canon Law. A few days ago the Pope spoke about laws that oppose justice.More
No surprise. The neo-cons are the biggest enemies of the TLM.

And it's interesting that the bishop invokes Canon Law. A few days ago the Pope spoke about laws that oppose justice.