Traditional Catholic Orders. All of these Holy Orders fight to maintain and preserve the sacred tradition of Holy Mother Church, through the celebration of the Tridentine rite, being it the Roman, …More
Traditional Catholic Orders.
All of these Holy Orders fight to maintain and preserve the sacred tradition of Holy Mother Church, through the celebration of the Tridentine rite, being it the Roman, Dominican or the Carmelite form of it.
Wow - Thank you very much!
You forgot the "Original Group" without which the rest would not have happened. SSPX I find it interesting that you would leave them out. I wonder who else you left out?
God Bless all traditional religious orders who practice obedience, to which not even the greatest sacrifices can compare.
In Jesu Per Mariam
This video excludes the order that started it all: The Society of Saint Pius X. If it wasn't for the couragous Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre who rejected the modernist novelties of Vatican II, you would not see the proliferation of traditional orders in the Catholic Church today. The SSPX is aptly named after Pope Saint Pius X who staunchly guarded the Church from modernists. It is very enouraging to …More
This video excludes the order that started it all: The Society of Saint Pius X. If it wasn't for the couragous Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre who rejected the modernist novelties of Vatican II, you would not see the proliferation of traditional orders in the Catholic Church today. The SSPX is aptly named after Pope Saint Pius X who staunchly guarded the Church from modernists. It is very enouraging to see young men taking the example of Archbishop Lefebvre to be a soldier for Christ. "Indeed the true friends of the people are neither the revolutionaries nor innovators, they are the traditionalists." SPX
Stunning and humbling to my heart. Thank you for this anointed post. Be blest in our Lord and our Virgin Mother 😇
Michel-René Landry
O wow! realy nice!
The traditional Latine churche is the true rock of the catholic churche.
If you look at the modern church, it's desintegring.
Whate come frome the traditional Latin church, it is fixe, it is solid.
Union of prayer!
Deo gratias! 🙂More
O wow! realy nice!

The traditional Latine churche is the true rock of the catholic churche.
If you look at the modern church, it's desintegring.
Whate come frome the traditional Latin church, it is fixe, it is solid.

Union of prayer!

Deo gratias! 🙂
I don't know how many masons and modernists are in the
Church, but I do know the Church contains many sinners.
You "forgot" SSSPX. Without the Archbishop's willingness to come out of retirement in 1968 to form priests around the Tridentine Mass, no other orders will be there.
It is this order with thier courage to put the Faith even if it meant censure by the Modern Church which has been the impetus of Modern Rome to make accomadations for Tradition. And that is all that it is, accomadations for those who …More
You "forgot" SSSPX. Without the Archbishop's willingness to come out of retirement in 1968 to form priests around the Tridentine Mass, no other orders will be there.

It is this order with thier courage to put the Faith even if it meant censure by the Modern Church which has been the impetus of Modern Rome to make accomadations for Tradition. And that is all that it is, accomadations for those who are "attached to Tradition"

Right now, there are 85 semenaries of the Neo Catechumin Way that is also approved. How can the Modern Church continue to exist in such a state of cannonically aproved contradicatory Rites ranging from the Neo Catechumen Way to the Pentecostalism, to indigenous Pagan inculturation,without an autodestructiong?

Unfortunately, it is the silence of those who do not want to give up their 'priveledged position' to say nothing about this autodemolition of the Church inorder to maintain friendly relations for the sake of political unity that prohibits a true restoration of the Faith of all times.

When are TraditionalCatholic Orders going to stop being content to be Poster Children of Tradition for the Modern Churcn and to start speaking with one voice to remind all those who are in the Faith the Traditions of our fathers belongs to us by virtue of our Faith which no Pope, no Bishop, no priest can deny us without risking their eternal soul?