The Keys of the Kingdom (Great MOVIE) Nominated for 4 Oscars & starring Gregory Peck as Father Francis Chisholm, this classic 1944 film makes a lasting impression as it traces the life of a noble man.…More
The Keys of the Kingdom (Great MOVIE)
Nominated for 4 Oscars & starring Gregory Peck as Father Francis Chisholm, this classic 1944 film makes a lasting impression as it traces the life of a noble man. Viewers cannot help but examine their own lives and compare their own characters to that of Father Chisholm. He demonstrates a faith that is intelligent, practical, humble and loving and in so doing, he reflects both the depth & strength of character which result from spiritual maturity in the life of one truly committed to Christ. That is effectively set against superficial religiosity through the character of Angus Mealey, his boyhood friend and eventual superior. The film does a fine job of showing what real Christianity is about, that above all, a life dedicated to Christ is a most winsome life. As Maria C. Arango at Amazon.com noted in her review, "You can see how living an ordinary life with love, you get an extraordinary life blessed by God."
Thanks for uploading this, though the film quality is poor, it is still nice to be able to view the film.
I am not Catholic– I am Protestant, raised Baptist, am a Born Again, now a member of the Church of the Nazarene denomination (very similar doctrine to Baptist), and I have always liked this film and appreciate the gracious interaction between Father Chisholm and the Protestant missionaries. It …More
Thanks for uploading this, though the film quality is poor, it is still nice to be able to view the film.

I am not Catholic– I am Protestant, raised Baptist, am a Born Again, now a member of the Church of the Nazarene denomination (very similar doctrine to Baptist), and I have always liked this film and appreciate the gracious interaction between Father Chisholm and the Protestant missionaries. It is possible to buy this film on Amazon.com. Either as an Amazon.com video or on DVD. Please check out the links: www.amazon.com/…/B074TSRHNB

storminmommy shares this
father kino story.
father kino story.

Jungerheld shares this

My father was reading this book before he died...
davpage shares this
Documentaires - films.
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Documentaires - films.

Mes reportages preferes
Love the Lord shares this
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St. Augustine,
— "Must be a great blow to you, see your beautiful church ... destroyed."
— "No one can destroy my Church. I shall build it again. As long as I live I shall build my Church."
marcus josephus shares this
Movies, Full Length.
Movies, Full LengthMore
Movies, Full Length.

Movies, Full Length
Thank you for uploading this wonderful film previously
unknown to me. I greatly respect any man or woman
who has left their land of birth to be a missionary in
faraway lands. Whether we Catholics live at home or
abroad, we are all called to be missionaries to others.
May our nets be woven with strands of loving kindness.
👏 👏 👍 I uploaded this in Russian--THANKS for the English version! 🤗