Three Important Parts of Our Faith. The Cardinal of Westminster talks here to the Catholic school pupils at the end of their summer term: What does it mean that we call Christ our Redeemer?More
Three Important Parts of Our Faith.
The Cardinal of Westminster talks here to the Catholic school pupils at the end of their summer term: What does it mean that we call Christ our Redeemer?
This Cardinal murphy-O'connor is vehemently against Traditionalism. While the people there at Westminster called upon Cardinal Burke to say a Latin Mass, the above Cardinal clamored a big "NO"! You can see how the rest of the bishops and pastors get away with refusing the Latin Mass in their parishes.
"Community and Service" what a nice commercial he presents for the secular world done by a secular …More
This Cardinal murphy-O'connor is vehemently against Traditionalism. While the people there at Westminster called upon Cardinal Burke to say a Latin Mass, the above Cardinal clamored a big "NO"! You can see how the rest of the bishops and pastors get away with refusing the Latin Mass in their parishes.

"Community and Service" what a nice commercial he presents for the secular world done by a secular-thinking prelate. 😡