
Archbishop will not refuse communion to politicians who backed abortion bill

Catholic politicians who supported the legalisation of abortion will not be excommunicated or refused communion, the future Primate of all Ireland has indicated. Speaking on BBC Radio Ulster's Sunday …More
Catholic politicians who supported the legalisation of abortion will not be excommunicated or refused communion, the future Primate of all Ireland has indicated.
Speaking on BBC Radio Ulster's Sunday Sequence programme, Eamon Martin, presently coadjutor Archbishop of Armagh, said he had never refused Communion to anyone, but reiterated the Church's position that it is not possible to be a person of faith and actively promote abortion.
I believe the real motivation behind the clergy's acceptance of modern society ills is that they can no longer lose donations. The sad truth is that the Church would be better off without them. How does the saying go? Money talks and BS walks.
Holy Cannoli
1 month ago, this same Archbishop said::
"Knowingly, willingly and intentionally voting to promote abortion, which is the killing of an innocent child, is co-operation with evil and cannot be reconciled with your faith".
Now, he's caved in to the abortionists.
What kind of message does this hypocrite send to Catholics in Ireland?
Dear Pope Francis, …More
1 month ago, this same Archbishop said::

"Knowingly, willingly and intentionally voting to promote abortion, which is the killing of an innocent child, is co-operation with evil and cannot be reconciled with your faith".

Now, he's caved in to the abortionists.


What kind of message does this hypocrite send to Catholics in Ireland?

Dear Pope Francis,

Do you want to know what's wrong with the Catholic Church? It's the example
given by bishops like Eamon Martin.

The obvious question is, what do YOU intend to do about it?

lux et veritas
Maybe Francis taking some ACTION?
Is there anything left to surprise us anymore? 🤨