
Pope Francis’ Homily at Extraordinary ‘Urbi et Orbi’ Blessing

“You ask us not to be afraid. Yet our faith is weak and we are fearful. But you, Lord, will not leave us at the mercy of the storm.” POPE FRANCIS “When evening had come” (Mk 4:35). The Gospel passage …More
“You ask us not to be afraid. Yet our faith is weak and we are fearful. But you, Lord, will not leave us at the mercy of the storm.”
“When evening had come” (Mk 4:35). The Gospel passage we have just heard begins like this. For weeks now it has been evening. Thick darkness has gathered over our squares, our streets and our cities; it has taken over our lives, filling everything with a deafening silence and a distressing void, that stops everything as it passes by; we feel it in the air, we notice in people’s gestures, their glances give them away. We find ourselves afraid and lost. Like the disciples in the Gospel we were caught off guard by an unexpected, turbulent storm. We have realized that we are on the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together, each of us in need of comforting the other. On this boat... are all of us. Just like those disciples, who spoke anxiously with one voice, saying “…More
Ultraviolet and one more user link to this post
Roberto 55
Christ came for people and Francis?
"and every spirit that dissolveth Jesus, is not of God : and this is Antichrist, of whom you have heard that he commeth, and now he is in the world (1 John 4:3)."
"he is not pope, but uncatholic Antipope." --So you keep repeating, @KristianKeller because that's all you can do. Repeat it because you can't prove it. Neither the facts nor Canon Law support your claims.
False. By very fact he is not Christian. It is supported by Catholic teaching indeed, but only a fool would ignore Catholic common sense, teaching of Fathers, and numerous evidence from Most Holy Family Monastery, which you are very well aware of. Let me prove you one more time that you're wrong, see the following: youtu.be/AmV8-TDjwKo
Also you bad willed faithless heretic, here is something you wrote, so I will expose you here in front of everyone:
You wrote: "Suppose a movie or a popular book depicts a man with a divine father who gets killed and comes back from the dead. Is that stealing from the story of Jesus? Not necessarily. The ancient Egyptian myth of Osiris was written down described the same thing, thousands of years …More
Also you bad willed faithless heretic, here is something you wrote, so I will expose you here in front of everyone:

You wrote: "Suppose a movie or a popular book depicts a man with a divine father who gets killed and comes back from the dead. Is that stealing from the story of Jesus? Not necessarily. The ancient Egyptian myth of Osiris was written down described the same thing, thousands of years before Christ was even born."

Never was it that God-Man, like Jesus Christ who is true God according to His divinity, and true Man according to His manhood which he assumed from Blessed Virgin Mary, with therefore unmixed natures in a one person, a 2nd person of Holy Trinity, was killed, and came back from dead. Of course there were attempts from the devil to subvert in various false religions a truth about Christ's Incarnation.

You say: "The ancient Egyptian myth of Osiris was written down described the same thing."

No you faithless heretic. Myths of false religions described just that, a perversion from false religions, myths and cults of devil worship. You are not going to fool anyone, you are of the devil. You don't believe in Jesus Christ and his unique role, to free people from hands of devil. It is a same thing according to you, like a myth you blasphemer.

From article about Vikings at MHFM:


“During the eighth century the Sveas and the Goths were ruled by a single king. Their king, whose capital was Upsala, claimed divine origin as the descendant of Odin, and every nine years a great assembly of Sveas and Goths was held at this temple at which he took the lead. A belief in the survival of their ancestors formed part of the popular religion.” (The Life of Ansgar)

This is interesting because it’s another example of how the leaders of many pagan religions claimed to be descendants of a god, or born from God, or a kind of incarnation of God. It was the devil’s way of attempting to ape the reality of the one true incarnation of God, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the various false religions he has concocted.

See full article here: www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/…/the-apostle-to-…
"By very fact he is not Christian."
That isn't a fact, it's an opinion. It's also an unsupported one and one at variance with Francis' critics.
"It is supported by Catholic teaching indeed"
...none supplied by you.
"but only a fool would ignore Catholic common sense"
That's a "No True Scottsman" fallacy. As for "common Sense", tha'ts simply an idiom to …More
"By very fact he is not Christian."

That isn't a fact, it's an opinion. It's also an unsupported one and one at variance with Francis' critics.


"It is supported by Catholic teaching indeed"

...none supplied by you.

"but only a fool would ignore Catholic common sense"

That's a "No True Scottsman" fallacy. As for "common Sense", tha'ts simply an idiom to legitimize one's opinion. Like so:

That's what "common sense" gets you. :P

"teaching of Fathers,"

...none supplied by you as usual.

"numerous evidence from Most Holy Family Monastery, which you are very well aware of."

Yes, I am. I'm aware of their so-called evidence. I'm also aware they call the last two popes "heretics and anti-popes", one of whom just happens to be a saint.

Oh boy... another "youtube scholar". :D Typical waste of time. Right from the first minute... "According to Catholic teachings..."

Zero teachings cited, while he continues to build his presentation on them. Who knows? Who cares? Just take his word for it, it's youtube. You'd swallow anything if it's presented with the right "youtube".

In the future when you're citing You wrote: it would help if you showed where I wrote it, so interested readers can double-check you aren't "re-writing" my words into something else.. since I clearly didn't write it here.

"You say: "The ancient Egyptian myth of Osiris was written down described the same thing."

... In reference to what statement? This one, also by me.:

"a man with a divine father who gets killed and comes back from the dead."

Are you arguing that doesn't apply to Jesus? He was a man. He had a divine father. He was killed. He came back from the dead. Every point I stated is both true and Catholic.

I was discussing the myth of Osiris as the basis for a story (as opposed to Catholic truth) and those generalities also apply.

Are there differences? Beyond the ones you listed? Of course there are. That's a given from the start. Osiris is not Jesus. Osiris didn't exist and Jesus did. Osiris was dismembered and Jesus wasn't. etc. etc.

You're trying to make an accusation of "heresy" stick through bad-faith over-literalism.

Since I didn't say Osiris was Jesus or that Osiris' story was true, your accusation is false.

In fact, I said just the opposite. We'll discuss that further while addressing your next criticism.

"Myths of false religions described just that, a perversion from false religions, myths and cults of devil worship."

I already made that point when I wrote: "The ancient Egyptian myth of Osiris..."

Did you catch that word? Obviously not, or you wouldn't go on blabbering as though you were making a valid criticism.

Here: I'll re-write it for you "The ancient Egyptian myth of Osiris..."


Same word you are using for the same reason. Myths by definition are not true. If I call something a myth, then I'm stating it isn't true.

Since I didn't bring up Norse mythology or even suggest any parallel to Christianity, your example is irrelevant and in debating terms, a red-herring.

So all you've exposed is your inability to read, along with a predilection for irrelevancies and youtube.
Not have to react on all your stuff. I will just say you are truly abominable heretic and very evil. From beginning of your comment to bottom, one has a true feeling that it was written as if Satan wrote it.
No Catholic teaching? Wrong: www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/…/cum-ex-apostola…
No. You said it described same. Than you repeated it. You not going to fool anyone you liar. It is all black …More
Not have to react on all your stuff. I will just say you are truly abominable heretic and very evil. From beginning of your comment to bottom, one has a true feeling that it was written as if Satan wrote it.

No Catholic teaching? Wrong: www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/…/cum-ex-apostola…

No. You said it described same. Than you repeated it. You not going to fool anyone you liar. It is all black and white. You are truly of the Devil. Reference to your open promotion of paganism can be found here: Frozen (2) , people should avoid!

Major thing you missed, that pagan myths steal from God's Life, Death, and Resurrection. Messiah was prophesied to come before Christ was born. There is another action from antipope Francis: www.youtube.com/watch

YouTube can be educational, blog as well, books and documentaries likewise. There is nothing wrong about that. There are many useful things on YouTube, but prudence is needed.
"From beginning of your comment to bottom, one has a true feeling that it was written as if Satan wrote it."
Strange you should say that. Muslims say literally the same thing for the same reasons you do. 1.) they're wrong. 2.) they don't know what they're talking about. 3.) I do. 4.) I poke fun at them while showing 1.) and 2.)
"Not have to react on all your stuff."
Nor can you. I'm used to "…More
"From beginning of your comment to bottom, one has a true feeling that it was written as if Satan wrote it."

Strange you should say that. Muslims say literally the same thing for the same reasons you do. 1.) they're wrong. 2.) they don't know what they're talking about. 3.) I do. 4.) I poke fun at them while showing 1.) and 2.)

"Not have to react on all your stuff."

Nor can you. I'm used to "selective" replies. That's you backing up from what you CAN't reply to, all the places where even you recognize you're wrong.

It's nice you finally present Church teaching now. And only because I forced you to. :D And what teaching? If you truly follow "Cum ex Apostolatus Officio", then you are a sedevacantist because critics have found "evidence" of heresy in the last four papacies. Ironically, your own source here is one of the biggest critics for the last two papacies.

"No. You said it described same."

Maybe when you learn to read and write English properly, you'll understand why that simply isn't the case.

I summarized the story of Jesus in very simple terms: "a man with a divine father who gets killed and comes back from the dead." Notice I'm not trying to change what I said. I do not have to. As a a literary summary, what I wrote is correct. And, yes, pagan myths tell the same story, notably the Egyptian myth of Osiris. Is there MORE to the story of Jesus? Yes, notably why all of that happened and what happened afterwards.

But that wasn't what I was discussing with that quote. You quoted me and then tried to twist what I said into meaning something else. You call me a liar, but everything I have said here is true. The -story-, as I summarized it, is the same. But Jesus is real and Osiris is a myth.

I -did- say that, and you simply ignored it. Why? We both know why. ;-) It disproves your accusation. You accuse me of being a liar, but you can't prove it. I however, can prove you lie. You, KristianKeller, lie by omission.

" It is all black and white. "

...especially the parts of my quote YOU left out. I'm glad I forced you to finally link up the original discussion.

Let's review the point I was using "Osiris" to demonstrate. "Just because a fictional theme has a parallel in the Bible does not prove a fictonal theme is from the Bible."

Let's all pause for a moment to read these two words out loud: "fictional theme". Fiction is not real. Myths are not real. Here is repeated proof that I am discounting Osiris as ever happening. So much for your claims of heresy.

Since the myth of Osiris was written thousands of years before Christ walked the earth, the story of Osiris could not have possibly come from the New Testament (i.e. the Bible). It may have parallels in the Bible, but it did not come from the Bible.

It's simple enough. There's nothing heretical about that, simple reason based on historical fact. Nothing I said contradicts Scripture... and you won't show otherwise because you don't know what you're talking about.

"that pagan myths steal from God's Life, Death, and Resurrection."

It's impossible for a pagan myth to steal from an event when the event had not happened yet. In the case of Osiris, those stories were written nearly two thousand years before Christ was born.

More youtube? Boring. I certainly don't need you to link up videos of Pope Francis embarrassing the Church. GTV's news sectition is one long run of it. And?

"There are many useful things on YouTube, but prudence is needed."

...and prudence cautions against amateur documentaries that try to disprove the Pope's validity without rigorously documenting every point.

Prudence is a quality you lack even more than fluency in English.
F M Shyanguya
Blasphemous acts filling up the cup of wrath. Soon ...
This poor actor, this impostor and heretic, he is not pope, but uncatholic Antipope. Antipope Francis, the world most known pagan to be pretending to be a Catholic. Well, he is not a Catholic, and anyone who knows tiny bit about his apostasy, and accepts him is an abomination. There is no doubt about that, please see profile and latest video:
Apocalypse Now In The Vatican