Vatican, Discerning Apparitions

On the Vatican’s New Norms for Discerning Apparitions By D. O’Conor The new and long-awaited Vatican document laying out norms for discerning apparitions was released today. It at least appears free …More
On the Vatican’s New Norms for Discerning Apparitions
By D. O’Conor
The new and long-awaited Vatican document laying out norms for discerning apparitions was released today.
It at least appears free of some of the unmitigated disasters I was concerned it might contain (i.e., implications that messages speaking of chastisements must be false). There are, however, some major problems here nevertheless.
Here are the norms: Norme del Dicastero per la Dottrina della Fede per procedere nel discernimento di presunti fenomeni soprannaturali
Most significantly, there is essentially now no such thing as an approved apparition, and no Bishop may rule on an apparition without the Vatican’s own permission. Like “Traditionis Custodes,” wherein the Vatican moved against the Latin Mass–taking power away from individual Bishops, consolidating it in the Roman Curia, and presenting all sorts of obstacles to the celebration of the beautiful and holy Traditional Mass–this document does similar things to …More
Father Karl A Claver
What is holy and true will always remain so, even if the Vatican says something different.