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The False Prophet, Forerunner of Antichrist described by Fr. Herman B. Kramer

“The False Prophet usurps the papal supremacy and resembles the Bishop of Rome. He poses as a lamb, a Christian, but his doctrines betray him, for he preaches the doctrines of the dragon. His dogmas & morals will be of diabolical inspiration. It may be communism or plain idolatrous paganism [or both]; it will comprise emperor-worship [papolatry] and devil-worship [mother earth?] coupled with persecution of the true believers [Traditional Catholics]. They will know him at once as an impostor and will not be misled. He will be in league with the antichristian world-powers [Luciferian Globalists] and adopt their principles of government and civil law [Totalitarian New World Order]. He may declare it treason against the state to accept Christianity or the moral law of God. As Daniel writes, 'He shall think himself able to change times and laws [Synod on Synodality?].'”

“No fiercer enemy of God and man has appeared in Christian times than Communism, and strange to say, RED is its emblematic color. Communism may by that time have gained control of the governments of Europe. It would then erect almost insurmountable difficulties for the holding of a conclave to elect a pope. Satan knows how extensively an interregnum in the papacy would favor his success in recovering his ancient lordship over the world.”

"In His Church, our Lord demands a higher standard than in the Synagogue, and so the principal causes for apostasy of the clergy may be revealed in chapters II. And III., especially in III. 1-6, which shows a state of mortal sin in the bishop, and in III. 15-22, which reveals a state of tepidity, loss of zeal, charity and the spirit of penance and sacrifice. The apostolic democracy founded by our Lord may have given way to an absolute monarchy, in which the episcopate rules with oriental despotism. The priests may be reduced to a state of servility and fawning sycophancy. The rule by reason, justice and love may have been supplanted by the absolute will of the bishop, whose every act and word are to be accepted without question, without recourse to fact, truth or justice. Conscience may have lost its right to guide the actions of priests and may stand ignored or condemned. Diplomacy [compromise], expediency and other trickery may be upheld as the greatest virtues. And the honesty and simplicity, straightforwardness and truthfulness exemplified by our Lord and the apostles may be frowned down. Hypocrisy and pretense may become the surest roads to advancement. Nothing can demoralize the Church so fast and so far as the knowledge that faithful work and strict attendance to duty count for little and that studied diplomacy in playing up to the members of the episcopacy gains everything. […] The influence of the dragon will everywhere aim to subject the Church to the state. This persecution is thus a political subjugation, and one third of the bishops and priests will be ripe for apostasy. Satan's intention is to subject the pope also to the purposes of the World-powers or to plot his death. In that way would he "devour the son", absorb the papacy and alone direct and rule the world."

"In the vision of the Seer now appears a second beast rising out of the earth, having two horns like a lamb but speaking like a dragon. This beast is the prophet of Antichrist. In other places he is called the "False Prophet" (XVI. 13; XIX. 20). Antichrist will have a forerunner or prophet, who will prepare the way for him. It will undoubtedly be someone who has done great work of evil in the world so as to be especially fitted for the position. Choosing the False Prophet will be the work of Antichrist himself after he has made his own pact with Satan.
This prophet may re-establish the pagan Roman Empire and build the "Great Harlot", Babylon. He comes out of the earth, which is the term for the Gentile nations from which he springs. He is briefly described. He has two horns “like a lamb”. He may have two world-powers subject to himself; but the added phrase seems to intimate that he is an apostate bishop or cardinal, or he resembles one. The Church having fled from Rome after the murder of the pope leaves the papal chair vacant. This false prophet possibly at the behest of Antichrist usurps the papal supremacy and proposes himself as emperor of Rome. His assumed spiritual authority and supremacy over the Church would make him resemble the Bishop of Rome, and his temporal regency over the re-established empire would make him emperor of Rome. He would be Pontifex Maximus, a title of pagan Roman emperors, having supreme spiritual and temporal authority. Assuming authority without possessing it makes him the False Prophet. Does this allude to what our Lord said? Though he poses as a lamb, a Christian, his doctrines betray him, for he preaches the doctrines of the dragon. His principles and dogmas to be accepted, his moral and civil law will be of diabolical inspiration. It may be communism or plain idolatrous paganism [or both]; it will comprise emperor-worship [papolatry] and devil-worship [mother earth?] coupled with persecution of the true believers [Traditional Catholics]. They will know him at once as an impostor and will not be misled. He will be in league with the antichristian world-powers [Luciferian Globalists] and adopt their principles of government and civil law [One World Religion]. As spiritual head of his empire, he may declare it treason against the state to accept Christianity or the moral law of God. He will evidently do in his own empire what Antichrist will do in his, who as Daniel writes, "shall think himself able to change times and laws [Synod on Synodality?]"." - Rev. Herman B. Kramer, The Book Of Destiny, 1955, 1972, pdf p. 249, 253-254, 281-282
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The Wandering Recluse
I was in the process of writing something connected to this from the alleged apparition to Fr. Gobbi regarding Revelation. Interesting stuff.