Gorgeous Byzantine Liturgy. Vancouver, Canada: September 1, 2012 - His Beatitude Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk, 42-years-old and in Vancouver for the second time after fifteen years, sings the Divine …More
Gorgeous Byzantine Liturgy.
Vancouver, Canada: September 1, 2012 - His Beatitude Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk, 42-years-old and in Vancouver for the second time after fifteen years, sings the Divine Liturgy to mark the beginning of the new liturgical year. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is the largest Eastern Church in full union with the Apostolic See of Peter. Many have suggested their liturgy to be the most beautiful on the planet earth.
The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Liturgy really is Beautiful! Much, much more beautiful than the Novus Ordo, and maybe even the Tridentine rite...I grew up in the Roman Rite and recently discovered this (Ukrainian) Rite. My suggestion to all those fed up with liturgical abuses in the Roman rite, or even just mundane and boring Masses is to find your closest Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and begin …More
The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Liturgy really is Beautiful! Much, much more beautiful than the Novus Ordo, and maybe even the Tridentine rite...I grew up in the Roman Rite and recently discovered this (Ukrainian) Rite. My suggestion to all those fed up with liturgical abuses in the Roman rite, or even just mundane and boring Masses is to find your closest Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and begin attending there. Full communion with Rome and Solid Liturgies!
matiáš kozinský
a to je liturgia určite asik "arcivelkých uniatov".
Pane Ježíši Kriste, Synu Boží, smiluj se nade mnou hříšným.
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Chants liturgiques orthodoxesMore

Chants liturgiques orthodoxes
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 einfach wunderschön!
😇 👏
Is it bad that I'm a Latin Rite Catholic, but prefer Byzantine chant over Gregorian chant?
Yes, Byzantine liturgies are very complex. It's especially mind blowing when you're so used to the OF Mass.More
Is it bad that I'm a Latin Rite Catholic, but prefer Byzantine chant over Gregorian chant?

Yes, Byzantine liturgies are very complex. It's especially mind blowing when you're so used to the OF Mass.
our patriarh!god bless him!
The music is gorgeous, the ceremonial quite complex though.