Archbishop Fulton Sheen - The Hell There Is . The Hell There Is By Bishop Fulton J. Sheen All the passages below are taken from Fulton L. Sheen’s book “You,” republished in 1998 by the Society of St …More
Archbishop Fulton Sheen - The Hell There Is .
The Hell There Is
By Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
All the passages below are taken from Fulton L. Sheen’s book “You,” republished in 1998 by the Society of St Paul.
This is going to be a very unpopular broadcast. It is about a subject the modern mind does not want to hear, namely, hell. Why do our modern minds deny hell? Very simply because they deny sin. If you deny human guilt, then you must deny the right of a state to judge a criminal, or to sentence him to prison. Once you deny the sovereignty of God, you must deny hell. The existence of hell is God’s eternal guarantee of the inviolability of human freedom. You can disbelieve in hell, but you must also disbelieve in freedom; you can disbelieve in Sin Sin, but you must also disbelieve in responsibility. You can no more make a free nation without judges and prisons than you can make a free world without judgement and Hell. No State constitution could exist for six months on the basis of a Liberal …More
Anto Med
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Grazie Gesù per questo grande dono! Fulton Sheen, prega per noi!