Barnhardt Podcast #202: Failing An Open-Book Test

[Direct link to the MP3 file] In this landmark episode, Ann and Mark “Ed McMahon” Docherty debate the validity of Supernerd’s putative abdication of …
Maybe you should ask her?
chris griffin
Barnhardt has never said a word about abortion in these many years. She does not care for the unborn.
Maria delos Angeles
I do not know that, but I know no one is perfect, and there are always areas of one's humanity one needs to work on, this is a journey, but nor should be throw out the baby (if you dont mind the pun) with the bathwater. Pray for one another.
@chris griffin Uh, one of her most recent posts decries it DIRECTLY. Quote: "The P.C. woke culture has convinced you that if you criticize anything that has to do with women or the feminine culture that you must be a Taliban or a “fascist”. Don’t fall for that garbage. That manipulation is why sixty-five million babies have been murdered in this country over the last fifty years. Men knew that …More
@chris griffin Uh, one of her most recent posts decries it DIRECTLY. Quote: "The P.C. woke culture has convinced you that if you criticize anything that has to do with women or the feminine culture that you must be a Taliban or a “fascist”. Don’t fall for that garbage. That manipulation is why sixty-five million babies have been murdered in this country over the last fifty years. Men knew that abortion was murder, but they punted on it and eventually legalized it because they didn’t want to be accused of being “misogynistic”. Filthy cowards."
chris griffin
@Orthocat... these are not about abortion. They are about Nicky Haley and about PC woke culture and cowardly men. Even worse than that is the fact that she is using abortion as a PROP, a PLOY to criticize the others, not a sincere essay on the horror of abortion.
Some time ago I went through all ten years of the website that she lists and found EXECTLY ZERO sincere essays on the horror of abortion …More
@Orthocat... these are not about abortion. They are about Nicky Haley and about PC woke culture and cowardly men. Even worse than that is the fact that she is using abortion as a PROP, a PLOY to criticize the others, not a sincere essay on the horror of abortion.
Some time ago I went through all ten years of the website that she lists and found EXECTLY ZERO sincere essays on the horror of abortion. She hasn't cared in 10 years except to use abortion as a rhetorical trick.