L'ennesimo scempio dentro la Basilica di San Pietro. Sono state montate delle "doccette" sulle acquasantiere. ...come rovinare un opera d'arte. Sono mesi che esce fuori quello che sta accadendo nella …More
L'ennesimo scempio dentro la Basilica di San Pietro.
Sono state montate delle "doccette" sulle acquasantiere.

...come rovinare un opera d'arte.
Sono mesi che esce fuori quello che sta accadendo nella Basilica di San Pietro e i danni che stanno facendo...
Basilica San Pietro: gli uomini di Gambetti distruggono anche le statue - Silere Non Possum
I diktat di Mauro Gambetti al Capitolo Vaticano e ai cantori - Silere Non Possum
testo dall'articolo:
"...Pietro Zander, ovvero l’uomo che è Responsabile della Sezione Necropoli e Beni Artistici della Fabbrica di San Pietro in Vaticano. Il problema serio è che questo soggetto ha una preparazione tale da aver fatto bucare (BUCARE) le mura della basilica di San Pietro con un trapano per mettere i chiodi dove appendere alcuni quadri..."
Sandy Barrett shares this
Those are the stoups inside St. Peter's Basilica, and they should dispense holy water.
Michele Sasi shares this
Yet another disaster inside St. Peter's Basilica.
"Showers" have been fitted to the stoups.
...how to ruin a work of art.More
Yet another disaster inside St. Peter's Basilica.

"Showers" have been fitted to the stoups.

...how to ruin a work of art.
More "climate change' insanity? When I visited Rome decades ago the flowing (not trickling as in the photo) fountains had been there for centuries bringing in the freshest tasting water via Roman aqueducts. Even then, there was a campaign to regulate this natural resource. Signs saying "'acqua è gratuita" {Water is free} were found throughout the city showing the displeasure of the populace to …More
More "climate change' insanity? When I visited Rome decades ago the flowing (not trickling as in the photo) fountains had been there for centuries bringing in the freshest tasting water via Roman aqueducts. Even then, there was a campaign to regulate this natural resource. Signs saying "'acqua è gratuita" {Water is free} were found throughout the city showing the displeasure of the populace to any control scheme. Now we have this low-pressure shower head approach 😬 Hopefully it discourages all the migrants from bathing there.
Michele Sasi
They are not fountains...those are the stoups that are inside St. Peter's Basilica, and they should dispense holy water.
Ave Crux
Just another diabolical inspiration to make people decide it's not worth the trouble to stop long enough to attempt to take Holy Water upon entering the Basilica. All those lost indulgences and purification from venial sins which accompanies blessing oneself with holy water, plus the loss of spiritual protection as well.
I'm sure they're thinking about the next pandemic and how "unsanitary" it is …More
Just another diabolical inspiration to make people decide it's not worth the trouble to stop long enough to attempt to take Holy Water upon entering the Basilica. All those lost indulgences and purification from venial sins which accompanies blessing oneself with holy water, plus the loss of spiritual protection as well.

I'm sure they're thinking about the next pandemic and how "unsanitary" it is to share holy water from the fonts.
Live Mike
Doesn't this undermine and subvert the Catholic Sacramental Theology of Baptism? By plunging our fingers into the water we recall our dying to self in union with Christ's Death and then withdrawing our fingers from the water we rise with Christ in union with His Resurrection... making the Sign of Cross and uniting ourselves with the Sign of Salvation. The Paschal Mystery in brief form; Christ's …More
Doesn't this undermine and subvert the Catholic Sacramental Theology of Baptism? By plunging our fingers into the water we recall our dying to self in union with Christ's Death and then withdrawing our fingers from the water we rise with Christ in union with His Resurrection... making the Sign of Cross and uniting ourselves with the Sign of Salvation. The Paschal Mystery in brief form; Christ's Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension.
Idiots running the Vatican.
Ave Crux
@Live Mike Uhhhh....I think you're getting too deep into theology for these Modernists. 😇 😉
sługa Boży
Artystycznie zniszczona ?
A do jakich kościołów chodzicie ?
Czy nie do architektonicznych posoborowych stodół i obór
z masońskim stołem w opozycji do Ołtarza lub bez Ołtarza obłudnicy ?
Taki dozownik jeśli woda byłaby prawdziwie święcona,
to bardzo dobre rozwiązanie.
Osobiście nie przepadam za moczeniem dłoni
razem z innymi, być może i takimi którzy nie wiedzą
co to higiena.
Katja Metzger shares this
Das sind die neuen Wasserspender im Petersdom. Unglaublich hässlich.
Lukas Dux
Sind sicher schweineteure Kunstwerke eines der vielen Freunderln von Kardinal Gambetti
Teofil Michalski shares this
Chrzcielnica wody święconej w Bazylice Świętego Piotra artystycznie zniszczona dziwnymi dozownikami wody.
Lidia Adamska
Polacy powinni uczyć Watykan katolicyzmu
Fernanda Dellucci shares this
Il Vaticano ne prenderà atto - su Gloria non nella basilica....
Come posso vedere il danno alla statua con il carrello elevatore? Non mi è chiaro.
Werte shares this
Weihwasserbecken im Petersdom künstlerisch zerstört mit eigenartigen Wasserspendern.