English Catholic
English Catholic

Breaking: major pro-life victory

@chris griffin I thought this news would please you - and me of course, as well.
English Catholic

Candace Owens who converted to Catholicism recently spotted at traditional Chartres pilgrimage in …

Does anyone know the name of the priest with her? (Good reason for asking).
English Catholic

Glasgow: A Snapshot of the Post-Vatican II Springtime..

@Patricia McKeever Yes, I take your point. In other words, just window-dressing for the MSM. Never mind that God is still offended.
English Catholic

Glasgow: A Snapshot of the Post-Vatican II Springtime..

@Patricia McKeever Many, many churches have been desecrated in one way or another, and have never been exorcised and reconsecrated. They just continue holding Masses in them, without realising (or caring) that they are just adding to the sacrilege of offering the Holy Sacrifice in a desecrated church. Exorcism and reconsecration should come first - then the Mass.
English Catholic

Fatima Center confirms there was a fake sister Lucy (fr. Michael Rodríguez, 2024)

Someone obviously hasn't read the Fatima Crusader (Fatima Center) magazine (Spring 2024 - Issue 132) which seems to confirm the exact opposite, stating on page 24 that there was good reason to believe the real Sr Lucia was alive in 2001 (She died in 2005). Is someone sitting on the fence here?
English Catholic

British politician Andrew Bridgen just CALLED OUT the World Economic Forum in parliament

It's time governments reined in WEF unless it is already too late. Look at the sheer numbers involved worldwide:
As well as Klaus Schwab, the Chairman, there are 29 on the Board of Trustees, 7 on the Managing Board, 36 on the Executive Committee weforum.org/about/leadership-and-governance then there are 11,102 'Global Shapers' globalshapers.org and over 1,400 'Young Global Leaders' younggloballeaders.orgMore
It's time governments reined in WEF unless it is already too late. Look at the sheer numbers involved worldwide:
As well as Klaus Schwab, the Chairman, there are 29 on the Board of Trustees, 7 on the Managing Board, 36 on the Executive Committee weforum.org/about/leadership-and-governance then there are 11,102 'Global Shapers' globalshapers.org and over 1,400 'Young Global Leaders' younggloballeaders.org and 'The Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution' with 300+ Policy and Governance Experts and 450+ Innovators and Technology Pioneers Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR) - World Economic Forum also the 'New Champions Community' New Champions - Home and then the various 'partners' of WEF: (scroll down, and in the filter, click on PARTNERS.ALL and an A-Z comes up. All the partners are listed in alphabetical order. God help us. We need a new David to put an end to this Goliath.
English Catholic

"The Hidden Part of Fatima" - Fr. David Nix, Padre Peregrino

@john333 If you believe Peter Chojnowski's theory. The Fatima Crusader (from the Fatima Center- Fr Gruner (RIP)'s organisation) don't. The Fatima Center devoted a whole issue to the controversy: Fatima Crusader Issue 132, Spring 2024. Unfortunately, it isn't online to read, but I'm sure it can be purchased from The Fatima Center | Promoting the Full Message of Fatima On page 24, it states "(3) We …More
@john333 If you believe Peter Chojnowski's theory. The Fatima Crusader (from the Fatima Center- Fr Gruner (RIP)'s organisation) don't. The Fatima Center devoted a whole issue to the controversy: Fatima Crusader Issue 132, Spring 2024. Unfortunately, it isn't online to read, but I'm sure it can be purchased from The Fatima Center | Promoting the Full Message of Fatima On page 24, it states "(3) We have multiple statements through 1989 from the real Sister Lucia, who continued to say things consistent with what she had said prior to 1960. Given the sequence of events surrounding Archbishop Bertone's interviews with Sister Lucia in 2000 and 2001, there is good reason to believe that the real Sister Lucia was still alive then". Her death was in 2005. I wrote a very long comment about this matter on this thread: New evidence in the case of the replacement of Sr.… I am also seeing a video on GTV alleging that one of the Fatima Center priests is agreeing with the Two Sister Lucia's theory. If that is true, they need to get off the fence.
English Catholic

German Bishops Have an "Urgent Desire" for False Deaconesses

@Hugh N. Cry True, true. Have you ever read the book 'The Rhine Flows into the Tiber' by Fr Ralph M Wiltgen? A must read. There is an 'updated' version called 'The Inside Story of Vatican II: A Firsthand Account of the Council's Inner Workings' but I think the original would be more trustworthy. You never know who 'updated' the original or if they had an agenda. There are second-hand copies of the …More
@Hugh N. Cry True, true. Have you ever read the book 'The Rhine Flows into the Tiber' by Fr Ralph M Wiltgen? A must read. There is an 'updated' version called 'The Inside Story of Vatican II: A Firsthand Account of the Council's Inner Workings' but I think the original would be more trustworthy. You never know who 'updated' the original or if they had an agenda. There are second-hand copies of the original available online.
English Catholic

Your Last Chance to Stop the UN’s Pandemic Treaty - The 3 Million Petition

UN globalists are just 5 days away from voting on the UN Pandemic Treaty at the World Health Assembly, threatening to dictate your health and freedoms.
The treaty grants unprecedented powers to enforce vaccinations, control movements, and silence dissent, stripping away your personal autonomy all funded by millions and millions of taxpayer money.
This is our last chance to stop them! Act now — sign …More
UN globalists are just 5 days away from voting on the UN Pandemic Treaty at the World Health Assembly, threatening to dictate your health and freedoms.
The treaty grants unprecedented powers to enforce vaccinations, control movements, and silence dissent, stripping away your personal autonomy all funded by millions and millions of taxpayer money.
This is our last chance to stop them! Act now — sign the 3 million citizens' petition to halt this overreach and safeguard your rights.


This is it — the final countdown.
In just five days, your life could change forever.
Control-hungry bureaucrats and UN globalists are on the verge of convincing your national leaders to surrender your sovereignty, risking your health, your family's health, and your liberty!
If you think they're planning to take care of you, you're wrong… Globalists will decide how you live, where you can go, and what medical decisions you make for your children.
The control you experienced during Covid? It’s about to intensify!
I know these totalitarian plans terrify you - but they rely on your silence to ram them through!
Led by CitizenGO millions of citizens worldwide are waking up to the threat and taking action. I hope you will too – even if you’ve already taken action against the UN’s Pandemic Treaty.
In just five days time, member states at the World Health Assembly will cast their votes on the UN Pandemic Treaty, a pivotal decision that could dramatically reshape your future.
Despite the Globalists’ push, there’s never been a better time to stop them—but only if YOU act now.
Your voice is powerful — louder than you think.
Can you help send a message to Ambassador Simon Manley CMG that you won't give up our freedoms? CitizenGO has almost 3 million signatures from around the world. Now is the time for a final, huge push. This could be our last chance to stop this extreme overreach.
CitizenGO has been on the front lines from the very start, confronting decision-makers and pushing back at every turn.
And around the world citizens and politicians are waking up to the danger.
Nobody has shown such relentless dedication and courage.
Meeting after meeting, we’ve been the only ones to stand at the gates of the United Nations, representing your voice, applying pressure on delegates, and directly conveying the concerns of millions.
And we’ve seen how much of the pressure you and I, and millions of citizens worldwide, have mounted has yielded fruits as delegates delay action, water-down draft language and lie in the media.
But we haven't won yet.
Their plans are still on the table: a global authority that could invoke pandemics at will, enforce vaccinations, lockdown businesses and even churches, and control your movement — all without your consent.
Remember who pulls the strings:
UN bureaucrats and Globalists embedded in the bowels of the World Health Organization - a failing, expensive, unelected, unaccountable, supranational entity that seeks to expand its power continually, overriding the democracies of nation-states and the freedoms of individuals.
Here’s what awaits us, if you and I don’t act:
A New Global Authority would call any health scare a pandemic.
Forced Vaccines and Quarantines even if you're healthy.
They want to check on you and silence any questioning or dissent.
Travel Restrictions to stop you from crossing borders or even moving around town to visit family and friends.
Global lockdowns, where national governments will no longer have a say.
Closing of churches and forbidding public gatherings for protests, sports or entertainment.
And it doesn’t stop there:
Your kids would be vaccinated without your say!
Your daily life and travels would be cut short on a whim!
Your freedom to meet up, protest, or pray would be tightly controlled!
We cannot and will not stand by as our fundamental freedoms are negotiated away.
SIGN THIS PETITION NOW. Stand with us to send a loud and clear message to Ambassador Simon Manley CMG that this treaty must be rejected today.
The negotiations process should have concluded back in April according to the official agenda.
Just a few days ago, I alerted you that unexpected negotiation rounds will be continuing right up until the very last minute, which means they are still taking place as you are reading this.
Instead of postponing the negotiations beyond the deadline, the UN showed their true intentions - they are beyond desperate to get this through.
What you and I should be asking ourselves is WHY? Why the sudden rush?
What are they planning that we do not know?

A similar story happened with the amendments to the International Health Regulations - the parallel document that the World Health Organization desperately tries to ratify.
A revised version of the proposed amendments was supposed to be circulated on May 10.
However, a new version of the amendments has still NOT been made publicly available, with just days left until its vote!
Despite all this and its shameless lack of transparency, the WHO still thinks it deserves your trust - comical, isn’t it?
The same people who cash in $7 billion a year, call to lock us down and continue to hide the truth the real truths about COVID-19.
Now, they want you to stay silent and idle to their totalitarian power grab!
What now?
Thanks to the relentless pressure from you and millions globally, they have already started to fall short in some areas of the Treaty.
They have watered down language which imposed tough censorship measures and have even gone out to claim that the accord doesn't mean it applies to everyone - which we know is a lie.
Here's how we win:
The battle against the Pandemic Treaty is well within our grasp, and here's our plan to secure victory:
The language is vague and full of inconsistencies. These loopholes provide us with legal ammunition to challenge and deconstruct its provisions.
Capitalising on the discord - the current atmosphere among the member states is hot with disagreement. This discord is our opportunity! With your support, we can still influence nations that are undecided or skeptical about the treaty.
Amplifying public pressure - our 3 million petition is a declaration of dissent. Our concerted public outcry has already made headlines and put the negotiators on the defensive. Every day more people are speaking out in opposition.
The momentum is on our side, and with your help, now more than ever, we can turn the tide.
As the big day draws scarily near, on 27th May, when the World Health Assembly convenes, we need to reach 3 million signatures to showcase your thundering global dissent.
And it is your signature today that could tip the scales.

We have fought tirelessly to reach this point, and we cannot falter so close to the finish line.
Sign the petition, rally your community, and let's send an unmistakable message - that our freedoms are not for negotiation! Urge Ambassador Simon Manley CMG right now, to reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty in its current form and protect our freedoms against unwarranted global control.
Thank you for your unyielding support and for standing with us in what is perhaps the most crucial battle for personal freedom we have ever faced.
Sebastian Lukomski and the entire team at CitizenGO
P.S. Our heavily-fought year-long campaign all comes down to this.
The clock is ticking, and the WHO is pushing hard to secure a victory. The urgency of your response is crucial as we approach the final vote. This isn’t just about policy—it’s a fight for the very essence of your liberties.
Sign the petition today; make sure your voice is heard loud and clear. Your action today is indispensable. The pressure is mounting, and the fate of our freedoms hangs in the balance. Please act now!
More information:
- WHO Pandemic Treaty: Everything you need to know: The pandemic treaty must robustly protect national sovereignty and freedom of speech [ADF International]: https://adfinternational.org/commentary/who-pandemic-treaty-need-know
- Proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement [WHO]: https://apps.who.int/gb/inb/pdf_files/inb9/A_inb9_3Rev1-en.pdf
- Pandemic treaty talks will go on after missed deadline, some progress, WHO says [Reuters (£)]: https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/pandemic-treaty-talks-wire-likely-miss-first-deadline-sources-say-2024-05-10/
- Governments agree to continue their steady progress on proposed pandemic agreement ahead of the World Health Assembly [ World Health Organization]: https://www.who.int/news/item/10-05-2024-governments-agree-to-continue-their-steady-progress-on-proposed-pandemic-agreement-ahead-of-the-world-health-assembly
- Even as bird flu looms, the world is unlearning Covid’s lessons [Vox]: https://www.vox.com/24151110/bird-flu-h5n1-pandemic-treaty-prevention-response
- Pandemic Agreement negotiations go into extra time [Euractiv]: https://www.euractiv.com/section/health-consumers/news/pandemic-agreement-negotiations-go-into-extra-time/
English Catholic

Italy, Eastern European countries reject EU’s radical new LGBT declaration

P.S. @Fred Alan Medforth, I have long wanted to read your posts, but didn't, because my antivirus warned that your site was unsafe. I've recently updated a lot of stuff on my computer and am pleased to say I can now read your posts!
English Catholic

Italy, Eastern European countries reject EU’s radical new LGBT declaration

Is this why Tucho chose May 17th to release the apparition document to draw Catholic attention away from this statement?
English Catholic

"The Hidden Part of Fatima" - Fr. David Nix, Padre Peregrino

I think Christopher Ferrara's books 'The Secret Still Hidden' (and Epilogue) contain the correct view: fatima.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Secret-Still-Hidden.pdf and the Epilogue fatima.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/BT026.pdf
English Catholic

Leader of the Charismatic ‘Renewal’ teaching people to ‘speak in tongues’ and telling them to practice …

Well said, @Ivan Tomas. The gift of tongues (glossolalia) was given to the Apostles for a limited time to spread the Gospel. Those who claim to have the gift of tongues today are just attention seekers and frauds.
English Catholic

Leader of the Charismatic ‘Renewal’ teaching people to ‘speak in tongues’ and telling them to practice …

There is a great booklet by the Universal Living Rosary Association by R Saverino called The Pentecostal Movement - A Threat to the Faith. scribd.com/…2053/The-Penecostal-Movement-A-Threat-to-the-Faith
English Catholic

Islamic call to prayer inside British Parliament in London

At the last mandatory census in 2021 by the Office of National Statistics, 6.5% (3.9 million) identified as muslim. As that figure inexorably grows, imagine what the situation will be like in a decade.
English Catholic

'Saddened and shocked': World leaders extend condolences after President Raeisi's martyrdom

@Everyday for Life Canada I remember Sr Lucia of Fatima once saying - but I can't remember what in regard to - that the pleas to God weren't as efficacious, because although many had prayed, few had made sacrifices and done penance. Perhaps there's a lesson in that. I'll try and find the exact quote. I think it was something to do with Portugal.
English Catholic

'Saddened and shocked': World leaders extend condolences after President Raeisi's martyrdom

@Everyday for Life Canada Very well said. So why aren't more Catholics praying rosaries and having Masses offered for world leaders, those with global power and influence etc - no matter how evil they are or appear to be - in fact, the more evil, the more we should pray/have Masses offered for them. Why not 'adopt' one or even a few particularly problematic 'global leaders' and saturate them in …More
@Everyday for Life Canada Very well said. So why aren't more Catholics praying rosaries and having Masses offered for world leaders, those with global power and influence etc - no matter how evil they are or appear to be - in fact, the more evil, the more we should pray/have Masses offered for them. Why not 'adopt' one or even a few particularly problematic 'global leaders' and saturate them in Masses and prayers. It's so easy to moan about these people on blogs like GTV, but so unproductive, unless the spiritual help they need is being sought for them.