
Gloria.TV News on the 17th of July 2013

@Holy Cannoli
You say Dementia, I say dystopia! We just have to keep watching this most diabolical and see where and what he gets involved in.More
@Holy Cannoli

You say Dementia, I say dystopia! We just have to keep watching this most diabolical and see where and what he gets involved in.

Aparecida: Art Karnevals-Prozession

Wow! May God have mercy on us all! To me this is Luciferianism on display

Why Does Christ Force His Disciples?

Amen! Let me in the boat please

England: Straßenprediger verhaftet wegen "homophober Sprache"

throw him to the lions!!

Voris: "Leave the Church of Nice"

You need to rid the Church of Vatican II and all the modernists along with it. The chances of that happening... A snow ball chance in, well, the Church of Nice.

Rally for life in Dublin on the 6th of July 2013

tyranny of the EU

Dominican cardinal calls gay U.S. ambassador "faggot"

I personally don't care what a person's inclination is as long as they do not try to impose their way of life on me. Some people are drug addicts, other are alcoholics and yes some have wrong inclination towards sex. It is their cross to bare. What is wrong is for them to claim it as a civil right. So yes, I agree his eminence and join is his outrage.

Cardinal O'Malley, False Ecumenism, Women Priests, and Obama

This is a problem of Vatican II
In the first place amongst these there are the Muslims, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind.
LUMEN GENTIUM (16) paragraph 2
False indeed! Are Muslims really like us in faith? Is there any commonality of belief. I do not think so.
The modernist are replete with these kind …
This is a problem of Vatican II

In the first place amongst these there are the Muslims, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind.

LUMEN GENTIUM (16) paragraph 2

False indeed! Are Muslims really like us in faith? Is there any commonality of belief. I do not think so.

The modernist are replete with these kind of errors.

The Laity and Vatican II. Rev James Korda, Rev. Jeffrey Mickler and Terry Supancic discuss the role …

This is not about middle class do gooders but an infinitely smaller and more sinister group. Some refer to them as modernist and yet others as member of the Luciferian Philosophy.More

This is not about middle class do gooders but an infinitely smaller and more sinister group. Some refer to them as modernist and yet others as member of the Luciferian Philosophy.

The Laity and Vatican II. Rev James Korda, Rev. Jeffrey Mickler and Terry Supancic discuss the role …

Modernism Pascendi Gregis by Pope St Pius X
A must read! However do not download the Current Vatican Version which has been altered. At least the English translation has. Go to www.papalencyclicals.net for something closer to the original. I don't understand why the Vatican would even presume to change the translation. I wonder how much history re-writing is going on?
😡 😡More
Modernism Pascendi Gregis by Pope St Pius X

A must read! However do not download the Current Vatican Version which has been altered. At least the English translation has. Go to www.papalencyclicals.net for something closer to the original. I don't understand why the Vatican would even presume to change the translation. I wonder how much history re-writing is going on?

😡 😡

Francis: "We need to grow in collegiality"

If we are to accept that God created the universe in a hierarchical order over which He is the supreme authority. Does it not mean that Jesus Christ [the second person of the Holy Trinity] established and ordain His one true Church. To which he appointed Peter and his successor as supreme head. The hierarchy that flows from the early doctrines of the Church cannot be challenged by novelty due to …More
If we are to accept that God created the universe in a hierarchical order over which He is the supreme authority. Does it not mean that Jesus Christ [the second person of the Holy Trinity] established and ordain His one true Church. To which he appointed Peter and his successor as supreme head. The hierarchy that flows from the early doctrines of the Church cannot be challenged by novelty due to the fact that God is infallible in judgment. God's judgment extend thru time and space and not subject to novelties or attempt to correct what is already perfect.

The danger of the modernist concept of religious collegiality stems from a faulty understanding of liberty and individual rights. A democratic process is a means of restraining political government from overstepping their bound. These ideas have little to do with the Catholic Faith. The individual must accept God and his teaching without question. Only questioning when someone attempts to violate traditions for his own nefarious purposes thus putting himself outside the Church. In my opinion, Vatican II was an assault on the infallibility of previous Popes and Councils by the modernists. The results of which speak for themselves.

Catholicism has always valued collegiality, but in a very different sense than that proposed by modernism. All Catholics, especially priests and bishops, are bound together by a common commitment to the divine truths and the salvation of souls. In this sense all Catholics are colleagues, seeking God’s greater glory in all things. So long as these two primary objectives – love of God and neighbor – are respected, Catholics will operate in unity and harmony even though they have different responsibilities and undertake different tasks. This true notion of collegiality, however, does not always require lengthy discussion before making any decision since Catholics, so long as they are committed first and foremost to the faith, preserve unity and harmony in all their various undertakings. This is the essence of Catholic collegiality.
Read article: sspx.org/…/collegiality

Priestly Formation, Vatican II. Rev. James Korda, Rev. Jeffrey Mickler SSP, and Rev. Chris Luoni …

Or perhaps restoring God to his rightful place. It is not about man but all about God.
this man centered philosophy is a Luciferian concept.

Prolife-manifestácia vo Francúzsku surovo potlačená vládnou políciou..

It cannot be stopped do what you must but in the end God wins.

Lehmann questions Benedict XVI's liturgical changes

questioned the motives of fans of the old-rite Mass. He said enthusiasm for the Tridentine Mass seemed to have "a lot to do with prestige".
Nope, it has to do with tradition and the love of God. This is something I would hope you could understand and makes me wonder if we share the same love for God or even the same God

The 1st OBAMA Beauty Pageant! This is why Hussein Obama is now in our White House

Stupid is as stupid does! So that is what an Obamamoron looks like

SPECIAL REPORT: Gay Roman Clergy (additional news) 6/27/13

We know this, more appropriately you have known this for a very long time. The books you have suggested to your audience to read proclaim this without a shadow of a doubt. I mean no disrespect when I say this, "Nothing new here!" The question is, what are we going to do about it!!
This whole mess started in earnest back in the 60's when people like Annibale Bugnini open the doors of the …More

We know this, more appropriately you have known this for a very long time. The books you have suggested to your audience to read proclaim this without a shadow of a doubt. I mean no disrespect when I say this, "Nothing new here!" The question is, what are we going to do about it!!

This whole mess started in earnest back in the 60's when people like Annibale Bugnini open the doors of the Church to Satan. The horrors being perpetrated are nothing short of biblical prophecy.

"The smoke of Satan has entered the very sanctuary of St. Peter's basilica." -- Pope Paul VI

This is intentional and a deliberate act against the Church by those who embraces the Luciferian Philosophy. Here is their worldview

“Here’s the way they look at it; here is their metaphor for the end of innocence. ‘Adam and Eve were held prisoners ¡n the Garden of Eden, by an unjust, cruel and vindictive God. Until Lucifer, through his agent Satan, set man free from the Garden by giving them the gift of intellect. Through the use of intellect, man will conquer the earth, will conquer nature and will himself become God. It’s taught in every Masonic Temple in this land, every secret brotherhood, every secret society, every mystical temple, every occult organization teaches the Luciferian philosophy."

--William Cooper

You may think this guy is a wacko conspiracy theory but there was a great deal of truth on his general message.

A basic Tenet of the so-called Ancient Mystery Schools [Satanist s] rests on the following:

“The supreme human purpose is the perfection of man. This must come first, and when this end
has been achieved all good things will inevitably follow.”

Manly P. Hall The Secret Destiny of America

This guy has been confirmed as New Age wacko and a self appointed disciple of Lucifer. This is based on the books this guy reads and the people he considers great teacher. This kind of garbage is bad enough but when you start to realize that the same wording and exaltation for man is found in the Vatican II documents you start getting and eerie feeling to what Paul VI was alluding to in his Smoke of Satan quote.

And what about Alice Bailey? This is one creepy lady. What you begin to see a pattern from all these nut jobs, is the exaltation of man to become a god and their utter hatred of the Church, in particular the Catholic Church.

My point should be clear , these people are dangerous and many with one aim the destruction of the Church and the One World Order crap. You know what, I there say they are wining! At least for now, we know how this ends.

God save us all.

Catholic Justice Scalia Blasts Catholic Justice Kennedy on DOMA

The smoke of Satan is now a raging fire quickly spreading around the world

Vatican II on religious life. Rev James Korda and Rev Jeffrey Mickler discuss religious life's document …

I hate to put it frank terms, the Church is in trouble unless it abandons Vatican II and the Novus Ordo. Pope Paul VI at the end realized the grave mistake:
"The smoke of Satan has entered the very sanctuary of St. Peter's basilica."
Of course, the Left is busy trying to re-write history. Claiming that there is no proof that the pope had actually said this. Guess what there is plenty of testimony …More
I hate to put it frank terms, the Church is in trouble unless it abandons Vatican II and the Novus Ordo. Pope Paul VI at the end realized the grave mistake:

"The smoke of Satan has entered the very sanctuary of St. Peter's basilica."

Of course, the Left is busy trying to re-write history. Claiming that there is no proof that the pope had actually said this. Guess what there is plenty of testimony that this was indeed said. I believe he came to this realization a bit late.

Non Christian Religions and Vatican II

It is just unbelievable that no one sees this people for what they really are.
May God have mercyMore
It is just unbelievable that no one sees this people for what they really are.

May God have mercy

The Whole Rotten Mess. When you look at the Church and the Culture .. it's apparent that the whole …

for me there is one and only one choice now. I will find Churches that have SSPX priests and I will worship with them rather than the main stream mess.