
Sal abortista en el altar el día de Nochebuena

In Portuguese : "Abortista sobe no altar na véspera de Natal"

Brasiliens Kirche muss auf Sinnkrise und Glaubensschwund reagieren

🧐 🧐 🧐 🧐

Františkáni a františkánky spolu tancujú nečisté tance

This is our "Canção Nova":
"V Lateránské baziliky - Řím"
"Otec PINTO tanečnice (on byl odstraněn od kněžství)."
Gay "Priest" Profanes "Holy" MassMais
This is our "Canção Nova":


"V Lateránské baziliky - Řím"

"Otec PINTO tanečnice (on byl odstraněn od kněžství)."
Gay "Priest" Profanes "Holy" Mass

Gloria.TV News on the 11th of July 2013


Voris: "Leave the Church of Nice"

Segner, nus spindre per amur da tia buontad!
🙏 🙏 🙏

Periódicos sin sentido? Ya no más!

Cara Tina, 👍 .
Enzacons gasettas ein fetg tschuffas che...

Pope Francis invites homeless to dine at Vatican

👏 Doina and Lucia! 👏

el 7 de julio San Fermín, patrono de Pamplona



Differences between Italians and Germans

Ragazza/Mädchen: 😀
Mammismo/Mamakind: 😀
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

Mrs. Beamish Stands in Church. A song by Richard Stilgoe & Peter Skellern

Mrs. Beamish stands in church, expression calm and holy,
And when the organ plays, she mumbles hymns extremely slowly.
A pillar of St Botolph's for twenty years or more,
She does the flowers at Easter, and the brasswork on the door.
But recently St Botolph's has gained a brand new vicar
His name is Ken, he's single, and he wants the hymns sung quicker.
And he's introduced a custom that Mrs. Beamish …Mais
Mrs. Beamish stands in church, expression calm and holy,
And when the organ plays, she mumbles hymns extremely slowly.
A pillar of St Botolph's for twenty years or more,
She does the flowers at Easter, and the brasswork on the door.
But recently St Botolph's has gained a brand new vicar
His name is Ken, he's single, and he wants the hymns sung quicker.
And he's introduced a custom that Mrs. Beamish hates,
So she rounds upon the person standing next to her and clearly states-
"Don't you dare shake hands with me, or offer signs of peace,
You lay a finger on me and I'll send for the police.
Don't whisper "peace be with you" -this is the C of E.
So bend the knee, say thou and thee, and keep your hands off me."
Ken tells us love your neighbour, and Mrs. Beamish sneers,
"I only love my neighbours if I've known them thirty years."
Even when it isn't Christmas, he lets youngsters in the Church,
And he's altered all the music, after audience research.
They shout out alleluia, they don't act like me and you,
The young women don't wear hats, and the young men often do.
And they seem to let their hands enthusiastically run
Till they turn to Mrs. Beamish, and they feel her acid tongue.
"Don't you dare shake hands with me, I don't know where you've been,
You lay a finger on me and you'll feel this tambourine.
Don't whisper "peace be with you", this is the C of E.
So bend the knee, say thou and thee, and keep your hands off me."
And all around her now, there's miles and miles of wire,
With mikes, and speakers, sound desks, and other things quite dire.
The organ's gone for scrap, it's now drums, guitars and wind,
And Mrs. Beamish seethes, for she's certain that they've sinned.
"Don't you dare shake hands with me, or turn to me and smile,
Or you'll wake up spitting teeth out, face downwards in the aisle.
You go one inch too far, and you'll be wearing your guitar,
Take one step in my direction, and you'll need a resurrection.
So don't whisper "peace be with you", this is the C of E
Just bend the knee, say thou and thee, and keep your hands off me."


Liturgical Dance. It's time for mass. Get ready to dance

Wow! ‘s Dirty dancing! 🤫

Gloria.TV News on the 25th of June 2013

Do not worry, pope Francis.
Perhaps, Your Holiness wil hear singers like "Belo" singing at WYD.
Greetings from Brazil!

Gloria.TV News on the 20th of May 2013


Gloria.TV News on the 11th of June 2013


06 czerwca: Sw. Marcellin Champagnat
