Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Martin of Tours. Are the Bishops Unhappy With the Converted Anglicans? UK Anglican Bishop N. T. Wright has told the Church of Ireland Gazette that several Catholic …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Martin of Tours.

Are the Bishops Unhappy With the Converted Anglicans?


Anglican Bishop N. T. Wright has told the Church of Ireland Gazette that several Catholic bishops in England are unhappy with the ordinariate that serves the pastoral needs of Anglicans who wish to preserve their traditions while entering into full communion with the Holy See. “Many of the Roman Catholic bishops that I know in England were not terribly happy at the thought that they might have to administer this kind of whole extra wrinkle on top of the complicated structure they've already got,” said Bishop Wright, “and I did hear one Roman Catholic priest - how representative I don't know-- saying we've got quite enough traditionalists in our own Church without having all yours as well.”

Pope Writes Letter To G20


Pope Benedict XVI has written a letter to South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, ahead of the opening of the Group of twenty summit in Seoul. In the letter the Pope tells the leaders of the world’s twenty major economies, that at this time of crisis, “the world's attention focuses on you and it expects that appropriate solutions will be adopted to overcome the crisis”. The Pope adds that the G20 will respond to the expectations placed in it, if it takes into consideration the problems afflicting the peoples of the earth and is able to set out the characteristics of the universal common good and demonstrate its willingness to cooperate in order to attain it”.

Reviving the Faith is Key Goal


Jean-Marie Guénois [Ghenuà] is a veteran Catholic journalist who covers religious affairs for Le Figaro. Guénois has offered some interesting observations about the Pope’s trip to Spain. For Guénois it is becoming increasingly clear, that the restoration of the faith in Europe is a key goal of this pontificate. Pope Benedict, the journalist believes, is determined to revive the Christian identity of “ancient bastions” like France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, and Austria, where Catholics are now a minority.

De Facto Recognition As a Legal Institution


Prompted by the European Court of Human Rights, a Turkish tribunal has given the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople legal title to a disputed orphanage. The ruling is a major victory for the Orthodox patriarchate, because for the first time, the Turkish government is recognizing the Patriarchate as a legal institution with international standing. The orphanage-- like many other Christian institutions in Turkey-- had been taken away by the government on the basis of an earlier ruling that rejected the legal claims of the Patriarchate.
Merci pour cette vidéo, mais je ne suis pas anglephone. Est-ce que je peux avoir des vidéos en français? 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗
Perhaps one should offer the English bishops to become Anglican?
Perhaps one should offer the English bishops to become Anglican?

Holy Cannoli
Are the Bishops Unhappy With the Converted Anglicans?
Anglican Bishop N. T. Wright said:Many of the Roman Catholic bishops that I know in England were not terribly happy at the thought that they might have to administer this kind of whole extra wrinkle on top of the complicated structure they've already got,
If true (anonymous sourcing is NOT reliable), who cares. To those unidentified bishops …More
Are the Bishops Unhappy With the Converted Anglicans?


Anglican Bishop N. T. Wright said:Many of the Roman Catholic bishops that I know in England were not terribly happy at the thought that they might have to administer this kind of whole extra wrinkle on top of the complicated structure they've already got,

If true (anonymous sourcing is NOT reliable), who cares. To those unidentified bishops I have one small piece of advice. “Smile, be nice and mind your own business.”

and I did hear one Roman Catholic priest - how representative I don't know-- saying we've got quite enough traditionalists in our own Church without having all yours as well.

So then, are we to believe the words of an unidentified and, evidently, unhappy modernist priest or is it possible that Anglican Bishop N. T. Wright may be projecting his own feelings about the Catholic-Anglican reunification?

Buona mattina