Another explanation of Fiducia Supplicans: I had originally posted a YouTube video of Fr. Goring giving his acceptance to the document Fiducia Supplicans, for his reason of preventing a schism with …More
Another explanation of Fiducia Supplicans:

I had originally posted a YouTube video of Fr. Goring giving his acceptance to the document Fiducia Supplicans, for his reason of preventing a schism with Germany. I recently deleted it as it had spread to other websites and is more or less "old news". Here is the link to that video:
SCHISM & Fiducia Supplicans - Fr. Mark Goring, CC
That said, I wandered across another video with FS being addressed by Ben Shapiro ( Jewish cofounder of "The Daily Wire") and Trent Horn (Catholic apologist for Catholic Answers) . I am curious as to what others might think of this video. Please note, although I am far from any kind of authority, knowing the things that have come out of the Vatican from the extended past, even if the document is "technically" sound, the possible ulterior motives behind this document force me to disagree with its release. Finally, Trent Horn expresses his view that Catholics technically worship Mary and I do not feel comfortable with this statement. I believe "worship" should be held for God alone, I prefer to use "honor and/or venerate".
Hound of Heaven
Mary has never requested or expected to be "worshipped"; that is her Son's due. She should, as the Mother of our Lord and the Queen of Heaven, to name only two accurate titles of many, be venerated.
Ivan Tomas
Mater Creatoris. Let us to mention this one too.
Hound of Heaven
Her list is so laudably, and aptly, exhaustive, I aimed to be as succinct as possible (given that someone as normally astute as Horn had made such a grievous and confusing an error) but your addition to my brief list is too essential to ignore. Thank you.
chris griffin
You are right, he did say we worship Mary. This is completely false. He is using word-play to justify worship to Mary, but it won't work. Mary is not worshiped.
"That said, I wandered across another video with FS being addressed by Ben Shapiro ( Jewish cofounder of "The Daily Wire") and Trent Horn (Catholic apologist for Catholic Answers) . I am curious as to what others might think of this video"
Jews are outside the Church and listening to their opinions in matters of faith and morals you are putting your soul into a grave danger.
The Wandering Recluse
Exactly, whatever happened to avoid the near occasion of sin and show a clear desire to change?