
Viganò Provides No Evidence

It cannot be disputed that the Church would be far, far better served if the good Archbishop, in a spirit of accuracy and full transparency and as an agent of TRUTH, would provide the irrefutable evidence and/or the open, unimpeachable, comprehensive testimony of identified witnesses that could sustain, confirm and validate with factual proof the unspeakable and unprecedented allegations he has …More
It cannot be disputed that the Church would be far, far better served if the good Archbishop, in a spirit of accuracy and full transparency and as an agent of TRUTH, would provide the irrefutable evidence and/or the open, unimpeachable, comprehensive testimony of identified witnesses that could sustain, confirm and validate with factual proof the unspeakable and unprecedented allegations he has made against the reigning Supreme Pontiff and Vicar of Christ; allegations by which the Archbishop has charged Pope Francis with acts of sodomy and the serial sexual violation and abuse of Novices whose formation was directly under the supervision of the accused. Surely His Excellency (as a man of integrity who holds others accountable for their words and actions) understands an allegation of that nature, the truth and veracity of which portends both earth-shattering and eternity-impacting consequences with ramifications and reverberations that shall most assuredly disrupt and enflame every strata of Holy Mother Church’s existence and shake her to her very foundations, MUST come with more than just a couple of casual observations said in passing or spoken publicly, as if one were just discussing the latest neighborhood gossip. The Church deserves better than that.

New Faith: German Bishop Believes that Some People Born in the "Wrong" Body

With these vile, vomitus blatherings of blasphemous heresy, this abhorrent apostate dares to contradict the very Words of Our Savior Himself which He spoke while physically present on this earth:
“But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female.”
St. Mark 10:6

As the newly appointed Bishop of Faggotry for all of Germany, he is a prime and masterly example of why that entire …More
With these vile, vomitus blatherings of blasphemous heresy, this abhorrent apostate dares to contradict the very Words of Our Savior Himself which He spoke while physically present on this earth:

“But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female.”
St. Mark 10:6

As the newly appointed Bishop of Faggotry for all of Germany, he is a prime and masterly example of why that entire accursed nation should be placed under the ban of interdiction, with all of its abomination-embracing, heresy-promoting, sodomy-loving, deviant-supporting Priests and Bishops laicized and excommunicated forthwith. Overthrow the demonic work of these hell-born scions of Luther and sons of Lucifer, and re-evangelize that pagan land once again with the missionary zeal and spirit of the great and holy Saint Boniface. The Church — nay, the whole world — would be a supremely better place.

A DC judge just sentenced 75-year-old Paulette Harlow, who is in poor health, to 2 years in prison …

No need to bring race or ethnicity into this.

Lexington Parish Now Offers APPOINTMENTS for Same-Sex Blessings

Just expect far, far more of this to EXPLOSION of it, regularly and consistently. Especially in North America, Europe and other Western nations. The Priesthood is a filthy pigsty. Hordes of demonic hell-hounds are unleashed among us and abomination reigns. We are smothered and strangled in deep darkness by those who should rightfully shine the light. What's left of the true Faithful …More
Just expect far, far more of this to EXPLOSION of it, regularly and consistently. Especially in North America, Europe and other Western nations. The Priesthood is a filthy pigsty. Hordes of demonic hell-hounds are unleashed among us and abomination reigns. We are smothered and strangled in deep darkness by those who should rightfully shine the light. What's left of the true Faithful must fast and pray desperately and continually for Divine intervention. It's our only hope!

Taking of the Habit and Perpetual Vows of SSPX Sisters - 2024 District of the USA

The glory of such beauty....and holiness.

Priests are the Sleeper Cells in Rome’s Homosexual Revolution

As I have said before on this platform, and as it pains me greatly to say again: The Priesthood is a cesspool. It’s rotten to the core, and it’s going to REMAIN that way until Our Lord Himself divinely intervenes and raises up onto us a Holy Pope who is a faithful Shepherd and true Vicar of Christ on Earth. Such is our only hope of salvation, and what we must fast and pray desperately and …More
As I have said before on this platform, and as it pains me greatly to say again: The Priesthood is a cesspool. It’s rotten to the core, and it’s going to REMAIN that way until Our Lord Himself divinely intervenes and raises up onto us a Holy Pope who is a faithful Shepherd and true Vicar of Christ on Earth. Such is our only hope of salvation, and what we must fast and pray desperately and continually for: a strong, fearless and brave Warrior-Pontiff with the sharp, invincible Sword of God held firmly in his hand, crowned and enthroned as the rightful Successor of Saint Peter and empowered with the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven to rule and reign unimpeded over the universal Church; who will, with relentless determination and irrepressible tenacity, implacable zeal and boundless vigor, boldly and courageously and without hesitation CLEANSE the Priesthood of its filth and purge it of the demons who now infest it and infect it with their unspeakable and unnatural pollutants. And not only the Priesthood, but a Pope who will rise up in righteousness, and being filled with blazing indignation (as was Our Lord when He overturned the tables of the criminal moneychangers and whipped them out of the Temple), will overthrow and cast down the work of Satan throughout the length and breadth of the whole Church and cure her of the demonic madness and malaise that sickens her to this very day, rooting out the cancer of abomination that lies at the very heart of the Holy See itself. Thus, confirming the Faith and bringing renewal and spiritual restoration to the Spouse of Christ, and ushering in again the beauty of holiness and the love of the truth, to the wonder of His greatness and the praise of His eternal glory. May it please God to make it so.

Blessing for protection of storms and bad weather

We need that here in the States….badly.

Mayor of Derry, Ireland, with family. Thoughts?

In this case, you get what you elect.

They still have a time for wife and husband stuff

She was telling him not to be late for dinner after his match and to stop at the store and pick up some milk on his way home.😆😎

Francis Writes to Homosexual Ex-Seminarian: "Continue Your Vocation"

If this kid didn’t know it before, he’ll soon find out, that with this public proclamation of his proud embracement of sodomy, that vile Vatican gang of demonic dogs in Rome who call themselves Prelates and Princes of the Church, will hunt him down and bend him over faster than lightning striking a telephone pole. He just became fresh meat on the market, and whether he knows it or not, like a live …More
If this kid didn’t know it before, he’ll soon find out, that with this public proclamation of his proud embracement of sodomy, that vile Vatican gang of demonic dogs in Rome who call themselves Prelates and Princes of the Church, will hunt him down and bend him over faster than lightning striking a telephone pole. He just became fresh meat on the market, and whether he knows it or not, like a live turkey sighted and earmarked for Thanksgiving, this little attention-drawing stunt of his with Francis has only resulted in it being declared Open Season on his backside. Those lust-crazed, ravenous wolves scenting blood will beat a pathway day and night to wherever he’s ensconced, and throng at his door like flies on excrement. And during the entirety of his so-called seminary “formation” they’ll pass him around to each other like a platter of hot, buttered, freshly baked rolls at supper. He has placed himself on the road to perdition and will now be taken advantage of by the sodomy-loving dogs who rule the Church. For the rest of his vocational life (or at least while his youthful attraction lasts) his sexual submission to every degenerate that outranks him will be a nonnegotiable condition of his advancement. This will now be his satanic reality. And sadly, it is the long-standing reality for a huge percentage of those who enter Consecrated life and those who receive Holy Orders in Holy Mother Church. The Priesthood is a cesspool. It’s rotten to the core, and it’s going to REMAIN that way until Our Lord Himself divinely intervenes and raises up onto us a Holy Pope who is a faithful Shepherd and true Vicar of Christ. Such is our only hope of salvation, and what we must fast and pray desperately and continually for: a strong, fearless and brave Warrior-Pontiff with the sharp, invincible Sword of God held firmly in his hand, crowned and enthroned as the rightful Successor of Saint Peter and empowered with the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven to rule and reign unimpeded over the universal Church; who will, with relentless determination and irrepressible tenacity, implacable zeal and boundless vigor, boldly and courageously and without hesitation CLEANSE the Priesthood of its filth and purge it of the demons who now infest it and infect it with their unspeakable and unnatural pollutants. And not only the Priesthood, but a Pope who will rise up in righteousness, and being filled with blazing indignation (as was Our Lord when He overturned the tables of the criminal moneychangers and whipped them out of the Temple), will overthrow and cast down the work of Satan throughout the length and breadth of the whole Church and cure her of the demonic madness and malaise that sickens her to this very day, rooting out the cancer of abomination that lies at the very heart of the Holy See itself. Thus, confirming the Faith and bringing renewal and spiritual restoration to the Spouse of Christ, and ushering in again the beauty of holiness and the love of the truth, to the wonder of His greatness and the praise of His eternal glory. May it please God to make it so.

Francis imparting the Benediction of the Sanctissimum, moments ago on the steps of the Basilica of …

Those bare, unveiled hands 😡… and those hideous, monstrous vestments! 😫 O Lord of all glory and beauty, Whose majesty and holiness has no end, what have they done to Your Church? 🥺😥😭😭😭

Spectacular Corpus Christi Procession in London (Video)

Take THAT, Pride Month! 😡 And there, in the very heart of Mary’s Dowery to boot!! 😇🥰😎 I love it!

Slowly but Surely: Francis Has Begun Corrupting Poland

YES…let there be no doubt or debate whatsoever: We are now at the diabolical point where, according to the powers that rule and reign in the Vatican, it is perfectly legal and valid and admirable for a Priest of Holy Mother Church — an Alter Christus — to stand at any time and in any place before other witnesses and in the presence of God Himself and pronounce the “blessing” and sanction of …More
YES…let there be no doubt or debate whatsoever: We are now at the diabolical point where, according to the powers that rule and reign in the Vatican, it is perfectly legal and valid and admirable for a Priest of Holy Mother Church — an Alter Christus — to stand at any time and in any place before other witnesses and in the presence of God Himself and pronounce the “blessing” and sanction of Christ and of the Church upon sodomy and sodomite unions, but it is illegal and invalid and a juridically punishable offense for that same Priest to offer the currently proscribed Latin Mass, the same Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that spiritually nourished multitudes of Saints, Martyrs and Doctors of the Church for centuries. You can love, embrace and promote abomination, but must abjure, reject and denounce holiness. This is where we are in Holy Mother Church today. And yet, to our great shame, the vast, overwhelming majority of the Church’s 5,000 Bishops throughout the entire world remain silent and passive as cotton; which in itself, is the deepest, most calamitous betrayal of the Faithful, who are heinously and monstrously misled, deceived and deluded as a result of it. May God help us, and deliver us out of the foul, demonic clutches of those who seek the destruction of our souls.

We're 19 And Conjoined Twins - But Happy To Be Together | BORN DIFFERENT

May God bless these two wonderful young men, and convert them to the true Faith by the Gospel of Christ. 🙏

Cute twins pacifier passing Jukin Media Verified (Original) * For licensing / permission to use: …

Looks like it’s more of a pacifier “taking” than a pacifier “passing.” But adorable nonetheless. 😇🥰😎