All Saints
All Saints


And they offered the Holy Sacrifice and heard confessions.
All Saints

Butker Comments on Nervous Breakdown of Regime Propaganda

Butker for Pope!
All Saints

Look - a biology lesson from people who think men can get pregnant!

If the egg is fertilized, it is already a chicken. The acorn is the shell that contains a live seedling which is already an oak tree. The cotton was a living plant before being harvested. It does not “become” anything but remains much as it is and can be used to make a variety of non-living items in the future. The zygote child is already a human being. It does not need to wait to “become” one. …More
If the egg is fertilized, it is already a chicken. The acorn is the shell that contains a live seedling which is already an oak tree. The cotton was a living plant before being harvested. It does not “become” anything but remains much as it is and can be used to make a variety of non-living items in the future. The zygote child is already a human being. It does not need to wait to “become” one. It is here and has itks own unique DNA. Interestingly, of the four examples shown, only the zygote human can one day sit under that oak tree, on a cotton blanket and eat a chicken sandwich. You lose again, Abortionist Tranny Freaks.
All Saints

Why Do (Mass-going) Catholics Resent God?

Why Do (Freemason-Approved Novus Ordo “mass”) catholics Resent God? There. Fixed it for ya. Lowercases intended.
All Saints

WATCH: Zero Tolerance?

Both of you.
All Saints

Francis: "No" There Will Be No Deaconesses in the Church

He needs a pine box.
All Saints

Liberal women spend $4,000 to bash sticks on the ground and scream at a ‘Rage Ritual Retreat.’ The …

Aaaaahahahaha! Bet they all use that Lume stinky body crevice lotion. It was made for these freaks. Now get the nasty ads off my tv screen.
All Saints

'Harrison Butker Does Not Reflect Our Values,' Says League Of Woman Beaters

You mean your sinful worthlessness.
All Saints

This video of newlyweds administering Communion to one another as part of their Wedding Mass has …

Terrible. Nothing like starting your marriage out with sacrilege.
All Saints

Pope Francis’ future tomb, at the feet of the Virgin Mary

I was once told (by a friend of one who was there at the time) that when John XXIII’s tomb was opened “he was green”.
All Saints

Unfortunate Norms: Vatican Cannot Find Anything "Supernatural" Anymore

I tend to agree with your assessment!
All Saints

🤔 🙏

“You have enemies? Good. You have stood for something sometime in your life.” Love that. Because it is true.
All Saints

New York Post goes after Fauci for his lies about dangerous virus research at the Wuhan institute of …

No. He should be made to be in public. Among the people. His victims and family of victims. With no security guards.