Novice. NoviceMore
How Satan sees the parish. A little Protestant but fun.More
How Satan sees the parish.
A little Protestant but fun.
He's such a good actor.
The devil is not in the theological disputations, he is in the emotions that come with it.
Wake, Awake the Night is Flying. Cambridge Singers. Chorale arranged by JS BachMore
Wake, Awake the Night is Flying.
Cambridge Singers. Chorale arranged by JS Bach
Easter Fire! This is How Cecil B. DeMille would do it.More
Easter Fire!
This is How Cecil B. DeMille would do it.
Vivaldi - In Exitu Israel de Aegypto. When Israel Came forthMore
Vivaldi - In Exitu Israel de Aegypto.
When Israel Came forth
Psalm 113 (114+115) 1 In exitu Israel de Aegypto domus Iacob de populo barbaro 1 When Israel went out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a barbarous …More
Psalm 113 (114+115)
1 In exitu Israel de Aegypto domus Iacob de populo barbaro
1 When Israel went out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a barbarous people:
2 Facta est Iudaea sanctificatio eius Israel potestas eius
2 Judea made his sanctuary, Israel his dominion.
3 Mare vidit et fugit Iordanis conversus est retrorsum
3 The sea saw and fled: Jordan was turned back.
4 Montes exultaverunt ut arietes colles sicut agni ovium 4 The mountains skipped like rams, and the hills like the lambs of the flock. 5 Quid est tibi mare quod fugisti et tu Iordanis quia conversus es retrorsum 5 What ailed thee, O thou sea, that thou didst flee: and thou, O Jordan, that thou wast turned back? 6 Montes exultastis sicut arietes et colles sicut agni ovium 6 Ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams, and ye hills, like lambs of the flock? 7 A facie Domini mota est terra a facie Dei Iacob 7 At the presence of the Lord the earth was moved, at the presence of the God of Jacob: 8 Qui convertit petram in stagna aquarum …More
Scenes From Israel - via National Geographic. Someone sent me this but the sound file was missing so I added some musicMore
Scenes From Israel - via National Geographic.
Someone sent me this but the sound file was missing so I added some music
Deacons and their Ministry EWTN Report. Please Support EWTN News.More
Deacons and their Ministry EWTN Report.
Please Support EWTN News.
Pentecostés: Dum complerentur dies Pentecostes. Dum complerentur dies Pentecostes, erant omnes pariter dicentes, alleluia, et subito factus est sonus de coelo, alleluia, tamquam spiritus vehementis, …More
Pentecostés: Dum complerentur dies Pentecostes.
Dum complerentur dies Pentecostes,
erant omnes pariter dicentes, alleluia,
et subito factus est sonus de coelo, alleluia,
tamquam spiritus vehementis,
et replevit totam domum, alleluia.
Dum ergo essent in unum discipuli congregati, propter metum iudæorum,
sonus repente de coelo venit super eos, tamquam spiritus vehementis, et replevit totam domum, alleluia. When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place, saying: alleluia. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, alleluia, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting, alleluia. When therefore the disciples were gathered together in one for fear of the Jews, a sound from heaven came upon them, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting, alleluia.
An Allegory on Truth. In this video short, a woman resists the truth and the order it offers. The Truth is allegorized by a little Lutin. Her resistance is at first mildly punished, then more firmly.…More
An Allegory on Truth.
In this video short, a woman resists the truth and the order it offers. The Truth is allegorized by a little Lutin. Her resistance is at first mildly punished, then more firmly. But she hardens herself against the truth and "kills" it. The result is total collapse, total loss. Welcome to the 21st West.
saranghae shares this
Idee catechismo junior. Filmati e vari per catechismo ragazziMore
Idee catechismo junior.
Filmati e vari per catechismo ragazzi
I wrote a blog post on this video here:…/an-allegory-of-…More
I wrote a blog post on this video here:…/an-allegory-of-…
The Altar Server. Filmed at St. Theresa Catholic Church in Sugar Land, Texas.More
The Altar Server.
Filmed at St. Theresa Catholic Church in Sugar Land, Texas.
The Life of Jesus in Light. The Stained Glass windows of Ft. Lincoln Cemetery in Washington DC. This video is explained more here:…/why-is-the-chri…More
The Life of Jesus in Light.
The Stained Glass windows of Ft. Lincoln Cemetery in Washington DC. This video is explained more here:…/why-is-the-chri…
Late for Church! Eboni Funderburk describes the "Spirit of lateness" for Church goersMore
Late for Church!
Eboni Funderburk describes the "Spirit of lateness" for Church goers
I said a prayer for you. Now next Sunday, I want you to leave 15 minutes early, even if your hair isn't combed yet. Whatever your state is, when the "…More
I said a prayer for you. Now next Sunday, I want you to leave 15 minutes early, even if your hair isn't combed yet. Whatever your state is, when the "leave time" arrives, you must leave for church. If need be, you can sit in the back of the church and sing quietly so you do not attract any attention if your appearance is a little unkempt. Each time you make it to church on time, it will be a small victory.
I am never late for church
Surge Amica Mea - A Tribute to the Women Mystics and Doctors of the Church. The pictures are of St. Catherine of Sienna, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Rose of Lima, St. Therese of Lisieux, Sr. Faustina. …More
Surge Amica Mea - A Tribute to the Women Mystics and Doctors of the Church.
The pictures are of St. Catherine of Sienna, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Rose of Lima, St. Therese of Lisieux, Sr. Faustina. The text is from the Song of Songs:
Surge, amica mea, speciosa mea et veni,
columba mea in foraminibus petrae, in caverna maceriae,
ostende mihi faciem tuam, sonet vox tua in auribus meis:
vox enim tua dulcis et facies tua decora
Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come.
My dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the covert of the cliff, show me your face, let your voice sound in my ears; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely. Music is Palestrina from Westminster Choir and available on iTunes
The Birds - A Moral Tale on Factions in the Church. Consider who is who in this moral tale and how factions and hateful dissent wound the ChurchMore
The Birds - A Moral Tale on Factions in the Church.
Consider who is who in this moral tale and how factions and hateful dissent wound the Church
Easter Lamb shares this
Bookmarks. My BookmarksMore
My Bookmarks
Homily at Pro-Life Mass of 18,000 Youth in Washington DC - Msgr. Charles Pope. Msgr. Charles Pope is Priest of the Archdiocese of Washington and moderates the Blog of the Diocese:
Homily at Pro-Life Mass of 18,000 Youth in Washington DC - Msgr. Charles Pope.
Msgr. Charles Pope is Priest of the Archdiocese of Washington and moderates the Blog of the Diocese:
"Death cannot drive out death. Only life can do that." Amen!
Amazing Unicyclists. I am posting this video as a companion piece to a blog post I wrote on faith here:…/on-the-paradox-…More
Amazing Unicyclists.
I am posting this video as a companion piece to a blog post I wrote on faith here:…/on-the-paradox-…
holyrope 3
Hello Fr. Pope 🤗
Over My Head, I Hear Music in the Air. An African American Spiritual Sung by the Montreal Jubilation Gospel ChoirMore
Over My Head, I Hear Music in the Air.
An African American Spiritual Sung by the Montreal Jubilation Gospel Choir
Pro-life Youth Rally in Washington DC. Every year, the morning before the pro-life march, 28,000 youth pack the Verizon Center in Washington DC. This is footage from that event. This year an overflow …More
Pro-life Youth Rally in Washington DC.
Every year, the morning before the pro-life march, 28,000 youth pack the Verizon Center in Washington DC. This is footage from that event. This year an overflow site at the DC Armory had and additional 10,000 in attendance. The Church is still young. She is a bride, not a widow!
THe Mystery of Time. This is a shortened version of the Moody Bible Institute film on time from 1948More
THe Mystery of Time.
This is a shortened version of the Moody Bible Institute film on time from 1948
Verbum Caro Y la Virgen - 16th Century Spanish Carol. Here is a largely unknown Christmas Carol to Americans, unless you are familiar with Renaissance music. It is by an anonymous composer of the 16th …More
Verbum Caro Y la Virgen - 16th Century Spanish Carol.
Here is a largely unknown Christmas Carol to Americans, unless you are familiar with Renaissance music. It is by an anonymous composer of the 16th Century and is an early Spanish Carol. The gist of the Carol is that the Word (Jesus) has shown his love for us by becoming flesh. Mary who has real faith would do anything for Jesus but has nowhere even to lay him down. The song then rebukes this rich world for its lack of faith manifested in love and cries out in effect, “Will you not at least offer some swaddling clothes to the one you have forced to be born in a smelly stable!” And thus the world’s true faith must be manifest by its acts of love. Here is an incarnational Christmas Carol. I provide the text and translation. Enjoy.
Verbum caro factum est (The Word was made flesh)
Porque todos hos salveis. (for the salvation of you all
Y la Virgen le dezia: (And the Virgin said unto him)
‘Vida de la vida mia, (‘Life of my life,)
Hijo mio …More