
Christians in Muslim Lands. Blessed Are the Persecuted

by Sandro Magister “They are left alone and undefended like the Jews," charges an authoritative rabbi. Under the illusion that this will facilitate peace with the Muslims. A survey of the situation …More
by Sandro Magister
“They are left alone and undefended like the Jews," charges an authoritative rabbi. Under the illusion that this will facilitate peace with the Muslims. A survey of the situation described by an Israeli Jesuit expert.
ROME, January 20, 2015 – The journey of Pope Francis to Asia has left behind his memorable words on the massacres in Paris, when he demonstrated that he understood the violent reaction of those who see their faith insulted and derided: “If a friend uses a curse word against my mama, he's going to get punched! It's normal! It's normal!”
These words of his echoed around the world and were music to the ears of much of the Muslim world, which sympathizes with the murder of the impious illustrators of “Charlie Hebdo.”
At the same press conference, however, Francis had something else to say: “Always, for me, the best way to respond is meekness. To be meek, humble like bread, without undertaking aggression.”
And these other words of his sounded like a commandment …More
Leonard Wessell
The < -slm- > in Islam means < subjugation/submission. Islam is first and foremost neither a religion of peace nor of war. It is a religion of power, i.e., subjugation. The subjugated are to surrender in th form of submission. Submission ceritifies in the mind of the islamic believer that the one submitting is weak, unworthy and, hence, the object of subjugation. When the Pope says that "meekness"…More
The < -slm- > in Islam means < subjugation/submission. Islam is first and foremost neither a religion of peace nor of war. It is a religion of power, i.e., subjugation. The subjugated are to surrender in th form of submission. Submission ceritifies in the mind of the islamic believer that the one submitting is weak, unworthy and, hence, the object of subjugation. When the Pope says that "meekness" is the right way to respond the Pope inadvertently has rendered "submission" and thereby certified in the Islamic mind the correctness of the previous acts of subjugation. At times it is hard to distinguish between a feigned meekness and an obfiscated cowardliness.